Dance is a natural activity… …that becomes artistic when it is structured and formed by the Elements of Dance and the Principles of Composition,
Space Level Shape Direction Pathways Patterns
Space Level High Middle Low
Space Shape Body Shape
Space Direction Any Direction
Space Pathways The route feet take on the ground. Zig-Zag Straight Curved Circular Etc…
Space Patterns Patterns of movement
Space Personal Space About an arm-length out General Space Other space
Time Tempo Beat Rhythm Speed of the music Pulse Long & Short sounds in a pattern
Force Force is what makes you move.
Force Energy Sharp Smooth Broken Light Heavy Big Small Flowing
Form Beginning Middle End (ABA, etc…)
For example: “A” Theme “B” Theme “A” Theme
Narrative Tells a story (beginning, middle, end)
Ballet Ballroom Line Square Folk Social
Ballet Ballroom Line Square Folk Social comes from FRANCE must have partner move in unison “called” dance handed down anything goes
The basis of dance is a combination of Locomotor and Non-Locomotor movements.
Walk Run Hop Jump Leap Skip Gallop Slide 2 feet 1 foot Hang time Sideways gallop Traveling
Bend Stretch Push-pull Rise-sink Shake Swing-sway Twist-turn Not Traveling
Kick Hit Throw Etc… Includes an object
Recreational Wow, this is fun!
Ceremonial And, It has a strong link to folk dance! This dance is a very important part of my wedding ceremony.
Artistic Expression Isn’t this a beautiful ballet? We are showing feelings through movement.
To plan something out… …like a dance! For example: Football plays are planned out.
Grapevine Jazz Square 3 Step Turn
This vocabulary is critical!