Lifecycle of the Humpback Whale Year 2 Science Good to Grow Term 3 Lesson 10 Life Stages
When are whales born? Whale gestational period is 11 – 12 months One calf is born every 2 to 3 years. Whales are born in warm tropical waters from May to October
How are whales born? Whales give birth to their calves tail first Calves are around 4 meters long and weight 2 tonnes when born Calves learn to swim within half an hour of being born. The mother pushes them to the surface for them to breathe air for the first time.
How do whales look after their calf? Whale lactation lasts for a period of 10 – 12 months. Whale calves drink up to 600 litres of milk each day Whale mothers do not eat during their annual migration, and must feed their young for several months on stored fat reserves (blubber) until they reach their summer feeding grounds
Completing the cycle Whales reach maturity and are able to reproduce at the age of 5 years. Life expectancy of a humpback whale is 50 years.