The I.B.O. Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the I.B.O. works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people with their differences can also be right.
The I.B.O. Mission Statement Through comprehensive and balanced curricula coupled with challenging assessments, the International Baccalaureate Organization aims to assist schools in their endeavors to develop the individual talents of young people and teach them to relate the experience of the classroom to the realities of the world outside.
The I.B.O. Mission Statement Beyond intellectual rigor and high academic standards, strong emphasis is placed on the ideals of international understanding and responsible citizenship to the end that students may become critical and compassionate thinkers, lifelong learners, and informed participants in local and world affairs conscious of the shared humanity that binds all people together while respecting the variety of cultures and attitudes that makes for the richness of life.
Three Key Themes of the I.B.O. Intellectual Challenge Learning for a Purpose/Service Intercultural Understanding
Three I.B.O. Programs Primary Years Program (PYP) Ages 3-12 Inquiry based Focus on the heart a nd mind
Three I.B.O. Programs Middle Years Program (MYP) Ages Five year program International framework for academic challenge and life skills
Why an International Education? “An international education is not an alternative to a national education. Nor is it any longer designed for the global nomad for whom a national education may not be an option…
Why an International Education? …An international education refocuses a national education by reflecting it in the mirror of a global economy that is sustained by global communication.” --George Walker (IBO, Director General)
The Diploma Programme The I.B.O.’s Goal: To provide students with the values and opportunities that will enable them to develop sound judgment, make wise choices, and respect others in the global community.
The Diploma Programme The Diploma Program equips students with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment.
The Diploma Programme The Diploma Program consists of a demanding two-year pre-university course leading to examinations. It is for highly motivated students aged16 to 19.
What makes the DP different? Comprehensive two-year international curriculum International standards applied Equally to other schools Rigorous assessment
What makes the DP different? IB Diploma holders have access to world’s leading universities IB Diploma holders are well prepared for university work
Diploma Programme the curriculum Theory of Knowledge the arts group 4 group 1 language A1 extended essay experimental sciences group 6 group 3 group 5 group 2 second language creativity, action, service individuals and societies mathematics © IBO 2004
stimulates critical reflection on knowledge and experience students examine the grounds for moral, political and aesthetic judgments Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge extended essay creativity, action, service
... wise choices TOK challenges students u to question the bases of knowledge u to be aware of subjective and ideological biases u to develop the ability to analyse evidence Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge extended essay creativity, action, service © IBO 2004
in encouraging students to appreciate other cultural perspectives TOK is a key element Diploma Programme Theory of Knowledge extended essay creativity, action, service © IBO 2004
TOK encourages students to reflect on questions such as these: Is the scientific method a product unique to Western culture, or is it universal? Do people with different cultural or linguistic backgrounds live, in some sense, in different worlds? © IBO 2004
The whole person Creativity, action, service (CAS) helps students become responsible, compassionate citizens Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
Interpreted broadly: arts activities but also creativity shown in designing and implementing service projects Diploma ProgrammeCreativity © IBO 2004
Participation in individual and team sports but also taking part in expeditions, local and international projects Action Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
Community and social service activities, for example: helping children with special needs visiting hospitals working with refugees or homeless people Diploma Programme Service © IBO 2004
Extended essay (4,000 words or less) Acquaints diploma candidates with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected by universities Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
What does the essay represent to a student? u the opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest u a way to add breadth u a way to deepen studies: selecting a topic in one of his or her courses Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
What is involved? u the essay may be written in one of 25 or more subjects, plus some 50 language/literature courses u recommended: 40 hours private study and writing time private study and writing time Diploma Programme © IBO 2004
Extended essay topics vary widely u The effects of acid rain on the environment, with a focus on plant life (biology) u The contribution of international organizations to the economic development of Geneva (economics) u The mathematics of nature: the relationship between fractals, chaos and iteration (mathematics) © IBO 2004
Diploma Programme u Six subjects studied concurrently u sciences and humanities u one subject from each of the six groups u at least three but not more than four taken at higher level (HL) u others at standard level (SL) Requirements for the subjects © IBO 2004
HL courses: 240 teaching hours recommended (i.e, 2 years) SL courses: 150 hours recommended Diploma Programme Teaching time © IBO 2004
The IBO encourages students to maintain strong ties to their own cultures u 45 languages for examination encourages very good writing and oral skills and respect for the literary heritage of a first language u complemented by an international perspective through world literature Diploma Programme group 1 language A1 © IBO 2004
second language Diploma Programme group 2 u a requirement for all diploma candidates (or second A1 language) second A1 language) u aims to enable students to use the language in a range of contexts, for many purposes u focuses on written and spoken communication © IBO 2004
Diploma Programme individuals and societies group 3 business and management economics geography history Islamic history information technology in a global society (standard level) philosophy psychology social and cultural anthropology © IBO 2004
Diploma Programme experimental sciences group 4 u practical laboratory skills u collaborative learning through an interdisciplinary project u awareness of moral and ethical issues u a sense of social responsibility, by examining local and global issues develop, encourage: © IBO 2004
experimental sciences Diploma Programme u biology u chemistry u physics © IBO 2004 group 4
aims to deepen student’s understanding of this discipline and to promote confidence and facility in the use of mathematical language Diploma Programme mathematics © IBO 2004 group 5
u requirement for all diploma candidates u four options for different abilities and levels u includes computer science science Diploma Programme mathematics © IBO 2004 group 5
u Math HL / SL u Math Studies Diploma Programme mathematics © IBO 2004 group 5
u visual arts, music and theatre arts: emphasis on practical production by students and exploring creative work in a global context u will include dance and film as pilot courses Diploma Programme the arts © IBO 2004 group 6
u specially-approved course (school-based syllabus) u electives: certain subjects from other groups Diploma Programme the arts © IBO 2004 group 6
Diploma Programme Assessing student work Classroom teachers and IB examiners work in partnership to ensure that students have ample opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned © IBO 2004
Academic judgments about quality of student work rest with over 5,400 IB examiners worldwide Chief examiners for each subject have international authority in their fields Diploma Programme Examiners © IBO 2004
Diploma Programme Examinations, assessment examinations offered in May for northern hemisphere schools, in November for the southern hemisphere © IBO 2004
The programme is very demanding and not everyone who tries receives a diploma © IBO 2004 Some 80% of candidates who attempt the diploma succeed in earning it
A letter from one student, who did not receive a diploma, to another: “The tangible reward of getting The IB diploma was something to strive for but… The IB program did us all good through less tangible, more abstract ways… It wasn’t just an education of the mind, but also an education and deepening of the soul.”
GRADE OPTIONS Option #1 : School Diploma *6 Subjects Any number of Higher or Standard Levels no IB examinations
GRADE OPTIONS Option #2 : School Diploma and IB Certificate *6 Subjects Any number of Higher or Standard Levels IB certificate examinations in 1-6 subjects
GRADE OPTIONS Option #3 : School Diploma and IB Diploma 3 HL Subjects 3 SL Subjects Extended Essay ToK CAS IB DP examinations