On-Line Work Related Injury and Illness Reporting System Vanderbilt University Office Of Risk & Insurance Mgmt
Welcome VU Office of Risk and Insurance Management has replaced the old paper version of the Tennessee First Report of Work Injury/Illness with a new online reporting system. Why? To make reporting an injury or illness easier on VU employees and ensure prompt attention to their needs. To provide instant notification when a work-related injury or illness occurs in your department. All work related injuries or illnesses must be reported to the State of Tennessee. The new system allows VU to accurately report all events in a timely and efficient manner.
How to access the system…. Vanderbilt University Medical Center website “For Employees” section, more, find ‘work injury/illness reporting’. Veritas II login page. “Tennessee First Report of Work Injury/Illness” link. myVU website, “On the job” tab or myVU A-Z links. Look for “work injury/illness” link.
After you have entered the web address or clicked on the link, this screen will pop up and show that you are being logged into the system. This may take a few seconds to load.
Employee Lookup Screen Enter in Employee’s name, then hit the “Lookup” button to search for the employee + Hint: Use only last name in initial search. Remember, Less is more!
Select the injured employee from the list by clicking the radio button, then hit “OK”.
What if I cannot locate myself in the Employee Lookup Screen? Simply click the “Next” button for manual entry.
Enter all questions asked in this screen and then click the “Next” button.
Event Demographics All fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are required to proceed to the next page. The employees name and department information will be shown in this area.
Specific Event Location Based off the location of event on the previous page, this page will ask you to specify the location that the event occurred.
Event Description This page asks various questions about the event. Please answer as clearly and briefly as possible.
Nature of Event This screen asks more specific questions about how the event occurred.
Nature of Injury/Illness Select the nature of injury that best fits the employee injury/illness. This screen will only give you information related to the Nature of Event fields you have chosen earlier. For multiple injuries, choose the most severe to enter in the system.
Body Part Choose the body part that was affected the most in the event. If you are unsure which body part was affected, select ENTIRE BODY.
Specific Body Part Affected Asks for specific body part affected by the injury.
Summary page Review this section to make sure the information is correct. If OK, click the “Submit” button. If not, use the “Back” button to correct any errors. If you would like a copy of this for your records, you will need to print screen this page before you submit it!
Confirmation Page After submitting the event, the user will receive a confirmation number. (Ex. WC080101COM) Keep this confirmation number so you can reference your event should you need to contact the Workers Compensation Department in Risk Management. For questions about Logging on or Entering an event in the system, please contact Travis Windrow at ext For other Workers Compensation questions please call ext and ask for the workers compensation department.