Multiplication Crosswalk Grades 2,3,4 and 5 Kay, Ali, and Mary.


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Presentation transcript:

Multiplication Crosswalk Grades 2,3,4 and 5 Kay, Ali, and Mary

Number & Operations in Base Ten Second Grade Standards: 2.NBT.A.1.A 2.NBT.A.2 2.NBT.1 2.NBT.3 2.NBT.4 2.NBT.5 2.NBT.6 Un-Pack/Connections:  The NBT standards through the grades begin with students creating an understanding of place value. In second grade, it begins with students writing numbers in expanded form so they can “see” the place of each number and what it means. Once they have had an opportunity to grapple with that, they then begin building on that knowledge and use the information to work with addition and subtraction.

Using concrete models students begin to create a knowledge base for the relationships between addition and subtraction, working with larger and larger numbers up to 1,000.

Number & Operations in Base Ten Third Grade Standards: 3.NBT.3 Un-Pack/Connections:  As it talks about in the standards, rather than abandon addition to begin a “new topic”, multiplication, the concept starts with taking what was learned about addition and subtraction in second grade and relating it to the new grade level.  Once children have had time to take the learned information and apply it to the new grade, they then begin introducing the formal concept of multiplication. Taking what they know about place value and addition, they begin to multiply using groups of 10.

Number & Operations in Base Ten Fourth Grade Standards: 4.NBT.5 4.NBT.6 Un-Pack/Connections:  Going back to what students understand about place value and properties of operations, fourth grade begins with taking their knowledge of place value and extends it to what they have been discovering about the properties of operations. They then take what they know about the relationship between additions and subtraction and apply that knowledge to multiplications and division.  During fourth grade they also extend their work with models adding rectangular arrays and area models used for geometry work in third grade.

During fourth grade students also extend their work with models adding rectangular arrays and area models used for geometry work in third grade.

Number & Operations in Base Ten Fifth Grade Standards: 5.NBT.1 5.NBT.2 5.NBT.5 5.NBT.6 Un-Pack/Connections:  The fifth grade standards begin with going back to students previous work with place value and 10’s. The expectation is that their knowledge of these ideas, along with their work with properties of operations and relationships between operations, allows them to understand and gain fluency using the standard algorithm for multiplication.  Using that fluency, and the relationship between multiplication and division, as well as with models such as arrays, students begin to create a basis for division understanding.

Operations & Algebraic Thinking Second Grade Standards: 2.OA.C.3 2.OA.C.4 2.OA.A.1 Un-Pack/Connections:  Students begin working with equal groups of numbers, for example skip counting. Students also begin exploring odd and eve n numbers. The connection between odd and even numbers is the introduction to students splitting things into equal groups.  Students begin working with the area model in second grade. They learn to create the model up to five by five, which sets the stage for using this model for later area, multiplication and division work.  Taking what they know about addition and subtraction from the NBT section, students begin the process of applying that knowledge to addition and subtraction word problems, which are carried through all grades.

Standards: 3.OA.1 3.OA.2 3.OA.3 3.OA.4 3.OA.5 3.OA.6 3.OA.7 3.OA.8 3.OA.9 Un-Pack/Connections:  The work with equal groups in second grade moves up to identifying what the groups stand for in a multiplication sentence.  Extending the work of arrays that students begin in second grade, students begin to take the equal groups and divide them out into equal shares.  Students begin to take the strategies they acquired in word problems in second grade and third grade using addition and subtraction and begin applying them to multiplication and division.  Using what they know about addition and subtraction, as well as grouping done in second grade, students begin to find missing factors in equations.  Work within properties of operations in previous grades, students begin exploring: commutative, distributive, and associative properties. Operations & Algebraic Thinking Third Grade

Standards: 4.OA.1 4.OA.2 4.OA.3 4.OA.4 Un-Pack/Connections:  Take the knowledge from previous grades work with multiplication and explore further looking for the comparison in equations. Use those explorations to work in word problems.  Using what they know from previous grades, skip counting and multiplication and division work, students begin to identify factor pairs and multiples.  Using previous years’ work with properties of operations, and number pattern work, students use that knowledge to write expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them. Operations & Algebraic Thinking Fourth Grade

Operations & Algebraic Thinking Fifth Grade Standards: 5.OA.2 Un-Pack/Connections:  Using previous years’ work with properties of operations, and number pattern work, students use that knowledge to write expressions that record calculations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.

Measurement and Data and Geometry Second Grade Standards: 2.MD.5 2.MD.6 Un-Pack/Connections:  Students take what the learned from equal groups and word problems and transfer it into their measurement explorations. They work with word problems using same length units.  Using a number line model, students continue working on strengthening their understanding of differences in numbers with addition and subtraction.  Students begin to reason with shapes and their attributes. They create and explore rectangular arrays and count to find the total number.  Students take circles and rectangles and break them into two, three or four equal shares.

Measurement and Data and Geometry Third Grade Standards: 3.MD.5A 3.MD.5B 3.MD.6 3.MD.7A 3.MD.7B 3.MD.7C 3.MD.7D 3.G.A.1 3.G.A.2 Un-Pack/Connections:  Students explore the concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and addition.  They multiply side lengths to find the area of a shape.  Use previous grades work with shapes and reasoning with shapes to organize and create groups of shapes with like attributes. Furthering that concept, students go on to see how like attributes among different groups can create larger groups.  When students partition shapes into equal areas, they are going back to the equal groups they worked with in previous grades.

Measurement and Data Fourth Grade Standards: 4.MD.1 4.MD.2 4.MD.3 Un-Pack/Connections:  Students use previous years area work to solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit.  Use what has been learned from properties of operations and added measurement explorations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money.  Extend the knowledge of area and perimeter by using the formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems.  Using what students learned about multiplication and addition through the grades and transfer that knowledge into finding volume.

Measurement and Data Fifth Grade Standards: 5.MD.5A 5.MD.5B 5.MD.5C Un-Pack/Connections:  Using what students have learned about multiplication and addition through the grades and transfer that knowledge into finding volume.  Extend the work with unit cubes for area to pack a shape and find its volume.  Explore and find the connections between volume and addition and multiplication.