To Second Grade At Southeast Elementary
Classroom Teacher-Molly Parks Site Principal-Lindy Risenhoover Building Principal-Lynette Talkington
About Mrs. Parks From Cleveland, OK Graduated B.S. at Oklahoma State Graduated M.Ed. OU-Tulsa Teaching 9 years in Kindergarten, First, Second Grades Loves OSU, OKC Thunder Married 2 ½ years
Common Core Oklahoma Academic Standards Jenks Curricula Continua Primary Teaching Tools
Reading The Comprehension Toolkit *Focuses on “Reading as Thinking” *Builds key thinking strategies for increased comprehension *Supports time for shared reading, guided reading groups, small groups, independent reading, and collaborative discussions. *Students read a variety of genres. *Matches students with “just right” reading texts. Fountas & Pinnell Word Study *Builds word knowledge through instruction in phonics, spelling patterns, high frequency word knowledge, vocabulary development, and word-solving actions.
Mathematics-Everyday Mathematics *Emphasizes conceptual understanding while building a mastery of basic skills. *Relates math to real life situations. *Hands-on activities *Practice through Games *Cooperative learning through partner and small-group activities *Home and School partnership
Everyday Mathematics Units of Study Semester Units First Semester Number and Operations in Base 10: Understanding Place Value Demonstrate competence extending the counting sequence (Objective 2) Demonstrate competence understanding place value (Objective 1, 3, & 4) Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Addition and Subtraction) Demonstrate competence representing and solving problems involving addition and subtraction. (Objective 1) Demonstrate competence adding and subtracting within 20. (Objective 2) Number and Operations in Base 10: Deepening Understanding of Place Value Demonstrate competence using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (Objectives 5-9) Measurement and Data Demonstrate competence measuring and estimating lengths in standard units. (Objectives 1-4) Develop competence representing and interpreting data (Objectives 9-10).
Everyday Mathematics Units of Study Second Semester Number and Operations in Base 10: Extending Place Value Demonstrate competence using place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (Objectives 5-9) Demonstrate competence relating addition and subtraction to length. (Objectives 5 -6) Geometry, Measurement (Time & Money), Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Foundations for Multiplication) Develop competence reasoning with shapes and their attributes (Objectives 1-3) Demonstrate competence working with time and money (Objectives 7-8) Demonstrate competence working with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication (Objectives 3
Social Studies TCI My Community The Pre-K- Twelfth grade social studies curriculum is to develop responsible, action- oriented citizens with a personal, global, and historical understanding of cultural diversity and community.
Character Education *Compassion *Honesty/Integrity *Respect *Self-Discipline *Courage *Perseverance *Responsibility/Accountability *Team Work Tribes *Attentive Listening *Appreciation/No Put Downs *Right to Pass *Mutual Respect *Safety
Language Arts Write Source Process of writing Forms of writing Word study Proofreaders guide Additional Resources and Experiences: Personal narratives, Expository, Opinion Writing Descriptive writing Poetry Journal writing Writer’s Workshop & Writing Crafts Friendly letters Making books
Technology Integrated into the daily routine of the classroom through: *Student productivity *Communication and collaboration *Delivery of lessons *Classroom management *Smart Board *Audio Enhancers *Document Camera
Science and Health Science and Technology for Children: *Students make their own discoveries *Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner *Hand-on *Scientific reasoning skills *Units of Study -Soils -Solids & Liquids -Life cycles Harcourt Health Focus *Safety *Healthy-Habits *Decision-Making Skills *Interpersonal Skills
World Language *Emphasis on the Spanish Language *Integrated into the curriculum *Develops awareness *Appreciation of other cultures *Cultural comparisons
Student Goals *Love of Learning *Independent *Responsible *Compassionate *Resourceful *Flexible *Knowledgeable Teacher Goals *Support and Nurture *Develop Talents *Meet Individual Needs *Integrate Learning Styles *Connect Curriculum to the Real-World *Challenge and Grow *Partner with Parent s
Two Way Communication s Notes Phone Calls Conferences It is a partnership in your child’s learning
*20 minutes nightly reading *Homework Monday-Thursday in child’s agenda *Differentiated homework once a month
Ticket Menu: -25 tickets-treasure chest -50 tickets-choose your desk for a day -75 tickets-lunch with Mrs. Parks
8:50School begins 10:50-11:10Morning Recess 11:50-12:30Lunch/Recess 12:50-1:30Specials (Art, Music, PE) 3:30Dismissal Media-Monday 1:45-2:05 Computer Lab-Friday 2:45-3:30
Art-Mr. Matt Chinworth Music-Mrs. Janet Frazer PE-Mrs. Aaron Harbin
-Check daily -Specials classes and special events to be written in agendas each week
Oxley Nature Center- October-more details to come!
Reading Minutes (Fridays) Special Event Snacks Parties Preparing materials at home Memory Books Mystery Readers
School Phone Number: ext Classroom Phone Number: ext Address: Website: --southeast elementary—staff webpages