Pulse-modulated Radar Display Processor on a Chip Talal Darwich Center for Advanced Computer Studies University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Overview Pulsed radar Transmitter Receiver Display Future work
Pulsed radar T0T0 T1T1 T
Transmitter Timing Pulses Transmitter Gator Oscillator Transmitter Transmitted Signal
Transmitter Gator Circuit T1 T2 T3 C R b1 R b2 R b3 Re 1 Rc 3 V out V in Gator Pulse Gator Pulse
Receiver Amplifier 1 Receiver Gator Receiver Comparator 1Amplifier 2 Detector Echo Signal Comparator 2 Digital Signal Timing Pulse
Receiver Gator Circuit Gator Pulse V in RbRb C V out
Detector C D V out V in
Display Lab View DAQ Board Software Gator Signal Indicator
Front Panel
Block Diagram
Gator Detecting Circuit
Echo Detecting Circuit
Time and Range Measuring Circuit
Gator Detecting Circuit and Duty Cycle Bypass Circuit
Tracing Circuit
SONAR and EMW Radar Code
Future work Radar on a chip FPGA