What is simulation? “software programs that allow students to explore complex interactions among dynamic variables that model real-life situations” (Park, Lee, & Kim, 2009, p. 649) Interactivity Difference from the non-interactive based animations
Why is science simulation so popular? Data Processing Multiple representation Interactivity Guided Inquiry with Simulation
Why is science simulation so popular? PhET OpenSource Physics NTNUJAVA Virtual Physics Laboratory Freely Available Online
What is this study all about? Explore the design, customization and use of customized energy simulation in elementary classroom
Why is this study significant? Literature review conducted by Smetana and Bell (2012) Conducted in ERIC and Education Fulltext database Only 2 of the 61 (3.3%) studies were conducted in elementary school Triangulated by searches in Web of Science Using “simulation” and "elementary school" and “science 3 studies in primary school context Google Search : Not much simulations in primary school context Lack of Research in Elementary School
What are the research questions? What guides the customization process? How does the simulation enhance learning? Explore how the use of guided inquiry approach with customized energy simulation in elementary classroom
How are the simulation customized? Open Source Physics Simulation Customized using Easy Java SimulationEasy Java Simulation
How is the study conducted? Exploratory pilot case study Primary 4 and Primary 5 CCA (After school) 2 sessions (about 2 hour each)
What are the data sources? Document review Research articles, the current and previous simulations designed Lesson observations Students’ artifacts Survey. Focus Group Discussion
What guides the simulation design? (Paper Design) Existing good energy simulations Inquiry learning principles Learning outcomes Begin with the end in mind
What guides customization design? (Actual Design) Principles for reducing extraneous processing CoherenceRemoval of extra information which is not necessary for learning SignalingInclusion of cues to facilitate the organization of information Spatial Contiguity Placing of related representation (i.e., words, diagrams) close to one another Sound Multimedia Principles
How is the lesson conducted? PhaseDescriptionActivities Implemented EngageElicit their prior understanding You Tube Videos ExploreDevelop their understanding Exploring the Energy Simulation ExplainDemonstrate their understanding Google Form Submission and Inquiry-based Worksheet ElaborateDeepen their understanding Roller Coaster to challenge the students’ perceived perception on energy EvaluateAssess their understanding Change the settings of the Roller Coaster Simulation or Pendulum Simulation to record the highest kinetic energy
How has the students’ learning be enhanced? Self-Directed Learning with Simulation ““I like the fact that we can experiment with the simulation by ourselves, and the simulation is very interactive.” T” ““We don't understand we can check ourselves”. Enhanced learning with the Design Features “ The indication of height (blue line) helps me to see the relationship between GPE and height” “KE depends on the speed. The yellow arrow on the simulation shows that when the speed is low (like 7.3 m/s), the KE is 26.3J. But when the arrow is longer (faster) (like 11.3m/s) the KE is 60.5J.” “The total energy is made up of KE and GPE. The bar at the sides shows the bar. The TE bar shows both KE and GPE ”
Other simulations Primary School Speed Cooling Simulation Friction Simulation
Acknowledgement Francisco Esquembre, Fu-Kwun Hwang and Wolfgang Christian for their contribution to the open source physics simulation. Michael Gallis for creating and sharing his original simulation Open Source Physics Community
Acknowledgement This research is made possible thanks to the eduLab project NRF2011-EDU001-EL001 Java Simulation Design for Teaching and Learning, awarded by the National Research Foundation (NRF), Singapore in collaboration with National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore and the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore
Website NUJAVA Virtual Physics Laboratory s-applets-virtual-lab.html Sze Yee
Remember this URL!! iwant2study.org/sharin g