British and Americans concentrated on two main goals: (1) Overcoming the menace of German Submarines in the Atlantic, and (2) beginning bombing raids on German Cities. Battle of the Atlantic- protracted naval war to control the shipping lanes. Operation Torch Nov North African Campaign to force Germany out, led by Eisenhower and Montgomery. It was successful in May of Germany held northern Italy until final surrender in May of 1945.
D-Day June 6 th, British, Canadian, and US forces under Eisenhower secured several beachheads on Normandy coast. It was successful. After D-Day, the Ally defensive moved rapidly. As a result, Paris was liberated by the end of August. By September, the German border was crossed, which caused the Battle of Bulge where Germans counteracted. German Surrender- Hitler committed suicide in April of 1945, Nazis surrender a week later.
Two Naval Battles were the turning points for halting Japan: On May 7 th and 8 th of 1942, the Battle of the Coral Sea, US aircraft carriers stopped Japanese invasion of Australia. June 4 th through 7 th, 1942, US decoded Japanese messages in the Battle of Midway, enabling the destruction of four Japanese carriers and 300 planes. Island Hopping- Naval Commanders bypass strongly held Japanese Islands and isolated them with Naval and air power; allowed allied forces to move rapidly toward Japan.
US Reoccupation of the Philippines = largest Naval Battle in history. Battle of Leyte Gulf, Oct Japanese Navy is virtually destroyed. Japanese used Kamikaze Pilots to make suicide attacks on US ships; inflicted major damage at the Battle of Okinawa. The US developed the atomic bomb and dropped it on August 6 on Hiroshima and on August 9 on Nagasaki. A week after the second atomic bomb, Japan surrendered. (Formal surrender on September 2, 1945 in Tokyo harbor aboard the battleship Missouri.