IN-N-OUT Burger Tara Armatas, Chase Duran, George Yerkonovich
Interesting Facts
HISTORY Founded in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder in Baldwin Park Founded in 1948 by Harry and Esther Snyder in Baldwin Park His idea led to California’s first drive-thru His idea led to California’s first drive-thru
HISTORY The Snyder's business philosophy was simple: "Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling clean environment." The Snyder's business philosophy was simple: "Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods you can buy and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling clean environment."
HISTORY When Harry Snyder died in 1976, there were 18 drive-thru locations When Harry Snyder died in 1976, there were 18 drive-thru locations Rich Snyder took over as President and the company grew to 93 locations by 1993 Rich Snyder took over as President and the company grew to 93 locations by 1993 Guy Snyder took over and the company grew to 140 locations with expansion into other states. Guy Snyder took over and the company grew to 140 locations with expansion into other states.
HISTORY Over the years, In-N-Out has retained the same traditions for over fifty years Over the years, In-N-Out has retained the same traditions for over fifty years Exceptions only being that they now offer indoor/outdoor seating at most locations Exceptions only being that they now offer indoor/outdoor seating at most locations Snyder family has no intentions of taking company public or franchise any units Snyder family has no intentions of taking company public or franchise any units
SWOT - Strengths Limited Menu Items Limited Menu Items Limited Locations Limited Locations Strong Brand Recognition Strong Brand Recognition Late hours Late hours Simple Menu Simple Menu Paraphernalia Paraphernalia Foundation Foundation Fresh Food Fresh Food
SWOT - Weaknesses Limited menu items Limited menu items Limited locations Limited locations Limited Vegetarian options Limited Vegetarian options Vertically Integrated Vertically Integrated Legal Issues Legal Issues
SWOT - Opportunity Expand Menu Expand Menu Expand Physical coverage Expand Physical coverage Franchise Franchise Low Cost leader Low Cost leader
SWOT - Threats Other fast food joints - Sonic Other fast food joints - Sonic Fad Diets Fad Diets Mad Cow Disease Mad Cow Disease Vertically Integrated Vertically Integrated
SOURCES "IN-N-OUT Burger." 12 Apr "IN-N-OUT Burger." 12 Apr "IN-N-OUT Burger." Wikipedia. 12 Apr "IN-N-OUT Burger." Wikipedia. 12 Apr