5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13


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Presentation transcript:

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Lesson 13: I can divide decimals by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable multiples using place value understanding and relate to a written method. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Time to Sprint! Your teacher will give you the subtracting decimals sprint. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Find the Product 4 x 3 = ______ 4 x 3 ones = 12 ones Get your white boards ready! Say the multiplication sentence in unit form. 4 x 3 = ______ 4 x 0.2 = _____ 4 x 3.2 = _____ Write the multiplication sentence for #3. 4 x 3 ones = 12 ones 4 x 2 tenths =8 tenths 4 x 3 ones 2 tenths =12 ones 8 tenths 4 x 3.2 = 12.8 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Find the Product 9 x 2 = ______ 9 x 2 ones = 18 ones Get your white boards ready! Say the multiplication sentence in unit form. 9 x 2 = ______ 9 x 0.1 = _____ 9 x 0.03 = _____ 4. 4.012 x 4 = _____ 9 x 2 ones = 18 ones 9 x 1 tenth =9 tenths 9 x 3 hundredths =27 hundredths 4 ones 12 thousandths x 4 = 16 ones 48 thousandths 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Compare Decimal Fractions Have your white boards ready! Compare using < , > , = 13.78 ____ 13.86 0.78 ____ 78/100 439.3 ____ 4.39 5.08 ____ fifty-eight tenths Thirty-five and 9 thousandths ____4 tens < = > < < 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Application Problem Louis buys 4 chocolates. Each chocolate costs $2.35. Louis multiplies 4 x 235 and gets 940. Place the decimal to show the cost of the chocolates and explain your reasoning using words, numbers, and pictures. 4 0.05 2 0.3 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

- Show 9 tenths with your disks. Concept Development Have your whiteboards, notebooks, and place value disks ready! - Show 9 tenths with your disks. - Divide 9 tenths into 3 equal groups. - How many tenths are in each group? 1 Ones 0.1 Tenths 0.01 Hundredths 0.001 Thousandths   0.9 ÷ 3 = 0.3 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Read the number sentence using unit form. 0.9 ÷ 3 = 0.3 Read the number sentence using unit form. How does unit form help us divide? Turn and tell your partner. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

3 tenths (0.3) 3 groups of _______= 0.9 What is the missing number in our equation? 3 tenths (0.3) 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

- Show 24 hundredths with your disks. Let’s try it again! - Show 24 hundredths with your disks. - Divide 24 hundredths into 4 equal groups. - How many hundredths are in each group? 0.24 ÷ 4 = 0.06 Read the number sentence using unit form. How does unit form help us divide? Turn and tell your partner. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Let’s try it again in our notebooks! - Represent 32 thousandths using dots. - Divide 32 thousandths into 8 equal groups. - How many thousandths are in each group? 1 Ones 0.1 Tenths 0.01 Hundredths 0.001 Thousandths   0.032 ÷ 8 = 0.004 Read the number sentence using unit form. How does unit form help us divide? Turn and tell your partner. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

When you say the units, it’s like a basic fact. 1.5 ÷ 5 = _____ Read the equation using unit form. - What is useful about reading the decimal as 15 tenths? - What is 15 tenths divided by 5? When you say the units, it’s like a basic fact. 15 tenths ÷ 5 = 3 tenths 1.5 ÷ 5 = 0.3 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 1.05 ÷ 5 = _____ 105 hundredths divided by 5 Read the equation using unit form. Is there another way to decompose (name or group) this quantity? Which way of naming 1.05 is most useful when dividing by 5? Why? Turn and talk. Then solve. 1 one and 5 hundredths 10 tenths and 5 hundredths 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Read the equation using unit form. 3.015 ÷ 5 = _____ 3,015 thousandths divided by 5 Read the equation using unit form. Is there another way to decompose (name or group) this quantity? Which way of naming 3.015 is most useful when dividing by 5? Why? Turn and talk. Then solve. 30 tenths and 15 thousandths 301 hundredths and 5 hundredths 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

4.8 ÷ 6 = 0.8 48 ÷ 6 = 8 How can 48 ÷ 6 help you with 4.8 ÷ 6? 4.8 ÷ 6 = 0.8 48 ÷ 6 = 8 What relationships do you notice between these two equations? How are they alike? How can 48 ÷ 6 help you with 4.8 ÷ 6? Turn and talk. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

4.08 ÷ 8 = 0.51 and 408 ÷ 8 = 51 What relationships do you notice between these two equations? How are they alike? How can 4.08 ÷ 8 help you with 408 ÷ 8 ? Turn and talk. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

63.021 ÷ 7 = 9.003 63,021 ÷ 7 = 9,003 What relationships do you notice between these two equations? How are they alike? How can 63.021 ÷ 7 help you with 63,021 ÷ 7 ? Turn and talk. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

Get Ready to Complete the Problem Set on Your Own! When completing your problem set, remember to use what you know about whole numbers to help you divide the decimals. Complete Pages 1.F.10 - 1.F.12 You will have 10 minutes to work. Try your Best! 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Debrief In 2(a), how does your understanding of whole number division help you solve the equation with a decimal? Is there another decomposition of the dividend in 2(c) that could have been useful in dividing by 2? What about in 2(d)? Why or why not? When decomposing decimals in different ways, how can you tell which is the most useful? 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Debrief In 4(a), what mistake is being made that would produce 5.6 ÷ 7 = 8? Correct all the dividends in Problem 4 so that the quotients are correct. Is there a pattern to the changes that you must make? 4.221 ÷ 7 ____= Explain how you would decompose 4.221 so that you only need knowledge of basic facts to find the quotient. 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13

5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13 Exit Ticket Time! 5th Grade Module 1 – Lesson 13