Nursing Textbooks CMB Grant No. # CMB Grant No. # ( Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2003) ( Jan. 1, 2001 to Dec. 31, 2003)
Chief executive officer Chief executive officer Pro. Yin Lei (Jan to July. 2001) Pro. Yin Lei (Jan to July. 2001) Pro. Li Jiping (Aug to Dec. 2003) Pro. Li Jiping (Aug to Dec. 2003) Project Secretary Project Secretary Wang Shiping Wang Shiping
With the support of CMB, nine nursing textbooks were written and published from 1996 to 1999 as government recommended textbooks Some currently used nursing textbooks were written at least ten years ago, and the contents were heavily medical oriented and out of date. With the support of CMB, nine nursing textbooks were written and published from 1996 to 1999 as government recommended textbooks Some currently used nursing textbooks were written at least ten years ago, and the contents were heavily medical oriented and out of date. Background (I)
There were some courses newly established in response to the increasing health care needs of the Chinese people, and there were no formal textbooks for the courses such as: - Health assessment, - Teaching and learning in Nursing Practice, - Community Nursing, - Gerontology Nursing, - Rehabilitation Nursing There were some courses newly established in response to the increasing health care needs of the Chinese people, and there were no formal textbooks for the courses such as: - Health assessment, - Teaching and learning in Nursing Practice, - Community Nursing, - Gerontology Nursing, - Rehabilitation Nursing Background (II)
Prepare seven up-to-date nursing textbooks to improve the quality of baccalaureate nursing education in China. Prepare seven up-to-date nursing textbooks to improve the quality of baccalaureate nursing education in China. Goal of the Project
Write and publish seven up-to-date nursing textbooks within three years, which are: ● Community Nursing ● Gerontology Nursing ● Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing ● Teaching and Learning in Nursing Practice ● Emergency Nursing ● Health Assessment ● Rehabilitation Nursing Write and publish seven up-to-date nursing textbooks within three years, which are: ● Community Nursing ● Gerontology Nursing ● Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing ● Teaching and Learning in Nursing Practice ● Emergency Nursing ● Health Assessment ● Rehabilitation Nursing Objectives
The People Involved in the Project Academic Advisory Committee Members Officials from People's Health Publishing House Officials from the Textbook Office of Ministry of Health (MOH) Chief editors, deputy chief editors, writers
The Universities Invited(I) Sichuan University Sichuan University Beijing University Fudan University The Second Shanghai Medical University Xi’an Traffic University Nanjing Medical University Shanxi University Zhongnan University
The Universities Invited(II) Capital Medical University Chengde Medical College Shandong University Hebei Medical University Zhongshan University China Medical University Shandong Taian Medical College Hubei Medical University
The major activities (I) Discussed with nursing experts the contents and criteria for the textbooks. Identified responsibilities for the members involved in the projects Obtained permit from The Textbook Office of MOH to publish the textbooks as the government-recommended for nation-wide use The major activities (I) Discussed with nursing experts the contents and criteria for the textbooks. Identified responsibilities for the members involved in the projects Obtained permit from The Textbook Office of MOH to publish the textbooks as the government-recommended for nation-wide use
The major activities (II) Discussed the contents of each text Clarified the requirements for writing Identified and discussed the outlines Set the progress plan for textbooks’ compilation. The major activities (II) Discussed the contents of each text Clarified the requirements for writing Identified and discussed the outlines Set the progress plan for textbooks’ compilation.
Nursing Consultant Dr. Katherine Chavigny Visited Huaxi Hospital and talked with nurses
Nursing experts from University of Manitoba, Canada
Pro. ISHIGAKI, Dean, School of Nursing, Chiba University, Japan visited Sichuan University. Nursing visitor from Syracuse University. USA
Exchanged ideas about rehabilitation nursing textbook writing with nursing experts from Australia Group Discussion
Significant Achievements Community Nursing and Gerontology Nursing were published for national-wide use in 2002 by People's Health Publishing House. It is the first of its kind in China.
Based on the needs of students and registered nurses, we wrote another book: Based on the needs of students and registered nurses, we wrote another book:
It was published in January, It was another first of its kind for associate and baccalaureate nursing students in and baccalaureate nursing students in China. China.
Name of the Book Chief Editor Name of University Printing Word Count Number of copy Community Nursing Li Jiping Sichuan U. 194,00050,000 Gerontology Nursing Yin Lei Sichuan U. 248,00050,000 Teaching and Learning in Nursing Practice Li Xiaomei Xi’an Traffic U. 301,00030,000 Health Assessment Lu Tanyun Fudan U. 541,00030,000 Emergency Nursing Zhou Xiuhua The Second Military Medical U. 320,00040,000 Rehabilitation Nursing Jiang Guiyun Chengde Medical U. 267,00030,000 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Li Linjiang Zhongnan U. 213,00040,000 Communication Skills in Nursing Li Jiping Sichuan U. 293,000 6,000 6,000 Total copies printed 276,000
Honors Honors Gerontology Nursing won a second national prize as an excellent textbook. national prize as an excellent textbook. Community Nursing was included in the government-recommended nursing government-recommended nursing textbooks for the 10 th Five year plan textbooks for the 10 th Five year plan period. period.
Influence The total number of publication of the eight books were 276,000 thousands, eight books were 276,000 thousands, and more than 96% of China’s and more than 96% of China’s universities and nursing schools are using universities and nursing schools are using the books. the books. They are also used as reference books by registered nurses in China. by registered nurses in China.
The publication of the books help standardize and regulate the national advanced nurse training, and ensure the quality of nursing education in China Shorten the gap between national and international nursing education.
Improved professional competence of nursing educators in China. Enhanced academic communication and connection among medical universities Improved professional competence of nursing educators in China. Enhanced academic communication and connection among medical universities
Strengthened Cooperation among nursing educators in the 16 medical universities and with foreign experts. Set up a sound basis for further cooperation. Strengthened Cooperation among nursing educators in the 16 medical universities and with foreign experts. Set up a sound basis for further cooperation.
1. Another two nursing textbooks will be published at the end of A Nursing magazine is issued (Jan. 2004) 1. Another two nursing textbooks will be published at the end of A Nursing magazine is issued (Jan. 2004) More achievement from Project More achievement from Project
Plan for Further activities 1. Nursing textbook construction, including: - Renew the out-of-date textbooks - Write learning booklets for student - Prepare VCD materials to match the textbooks for nursing teaching 2. Nursing magazine circulation (quarterly)