TITLE IV: SAFE AND DRUG FREE SCHOOLS 2006 5 Year Strategic Plan and Title IV Application Dean Lee.


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Presentation transcript:

TITLE IV: SAFE AND DRUG FREE SCHOOLS Year Strategic Plan and Title IV Application Dean Lee

Why? No Child Left Behind Accountability »Like real estate: (location, location, location)

The Contents of a Title IV Application-Five Year Strategic Plan The LEA needs to make sure that the activities and programs to be funded comply with the principles of effectiveness and foster a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports academic achievement.

Developing your program and application: LEA’s performance measures for drug and violence programs (Objectives in 5-year plan) The drug and violence prevention programs to be funded and how it meets each of the Principles of Effectiveness (POE). How services will be targeted to schools and students with the greatest need. (Action Steps/Activities) How will notice be provided to the community that the LEA is applying for the funds.

Comprehensive Prevention Plan Do an inventory of your LEA’s and community resources and services available. Look at “model” programs listings Assess what Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services are Available. The Department of Education website will have a list of state resources (future).

Principles of Effectiveness Needs Assessment Measurable objectives and performance measures Researched-based programs Program Evaluation Parent Involvement

Comprehensive Planning What does the analysis of the data tell you about the drug and violence problems in your county? What are the risk factors? What are the needs? What are the gaps?

Drug and Violence Prevention Programs and Activities Should Include: Specific reductions in the prevalence of identified risk factors: (alcohol, drugs, and violence) Specific increases in the prevalence of protective factors: (buffers and assets) Levels of performance for each performance indicator: (reduced by %)

Goal For Title IV All students will be educated in a safe and drug-free learning environment that supports academic achievement.

HOW DO I WRITE A PERFORMANCE MEASURE OBJECTIVE (Objective in 5 Year Plan) Look at the baseline data from a survey or data source (YRBS, PRIDE, WVEIS). What behavior could you reasonably expect to affect in one year? Can you reduce use by using a researched based program? Will the performance measure increase a protective factor or decrease a risk factor?

APPROVED PERFORMANCE MEASURES (Objectives) 1.To increase the identification and involvement of students to the Student Assistance Team. (Student Assistance Team) 2.To improve attendance, reduce repeat ATOD/violence policy violations, and/or improve academic performance of students participating in SAP. (Student Assistance Program) 3.To increase the security of students while attending or traveling to and from school. (Security) 4.To reduce the number of violence and/or weapons related incidents in or on school grounds. (Weapons/Violence Violations) 5.To increase skill of students in utilizing nonviolent means to solve interpersonal conflict. (Peer Mediation)

Continued…. 6.To reduce disciplinary infractions related to bullying, harassment, and/or intimidation. (Bullying) 7.To increase skill of students in rejecting alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drug use.(ATOD Skills) 8. To reduce the number of alcohol, tobacco, and/or other drug policy violations. (ATOD Violations) 9. To increase funding and support for other federal programs. {Must use form for funds being transferred out to another Title Program} (Other Federal Program Support) 10.To assure the appropriate administration and coordination of the Title IV program (Title IV Coordination)

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Purpose in 5 Year Plan)  Example: There will be a 5% reduction in ATOD policy violations in the middle school.  Must be measurable and student-behavior based  Must define in terms of percentage of increase/decrease expected

Baseline County WVEIS data reported 45 suspensions due to drug and substance abuse PRIDE Survey reported 68% of high school students used alcohol within the last 30 days.

EVALUATION METHODS Evaluation is not: Number of students receiving services, opinions/ staff comments Evaluation methods are: West Virginia YRBS, PRIDE, Suspensions and Expulsions, Violence and Weapons Report (WVEIS), SAP Performance Report, Pre-Post Tests Example: Year to year comparison of and discipline reports

PUBLIC REPORTING METHOD  Requirement to publicly report  Check all that apply (checklist)  School Board Meetings  Newspaper Articles  PTA/PTO Meetings  Student Newspapers  District Newsletters  Other

PARENT PARTICIPATION  Create a check list: select all that apply  Parents are involved in:  Community Advisory Council  Selection of Prevention Programs  Implementation of Prevention Programs  Evaluation of Prevention Programs  Student Assistance Program

Budget Items Only 2% to be used for administrative costs. I interpret this to be Indirect Costs. There is a 20% cap on security items. This amount can be increased to 40% cap on security personnel. School Resource Officer

Budget When creating a budget item, be as specific as possible. Examples: –Supplies and Materials To purchase 200 student workbooks for the Life Skills Training for 6th, 7 th and 8 th grade. Contract Services –Training for 20 teacher to deliver Project Alert program to 5 th grade students.

NON-ALLOWABLE BUDGET ITEMS  Treatment or Rehabilitation Services  Academic Program or Tutoring  Office furniture/shredders/copy machines/file cabinets, etc.  Construction/Renovations  Portions of goods or services used by other programs

Budget no-no’s “one shot deals”-e.g., assemblies Programs not researched based. e.g., DARE, because it is not a validated science-based program. You can use DARE but you can not fund it with Title IV funds T-shirts and give-a-ways Field trips Social events Student planners

SUPPLEMENT VERSUS SUPPLANT  Supplement: To increase or enhance the level of activity of an existing service or program Example: Expand Second Step program to another building within the district  Supplant: To replace required line items normally paid by state dollars Example: Payment for teachers, guidance counselors that are currently paid for from general budget

ALLOWABLE BUDGET ITEMS  Pro-rate cost of comprehensive curriculum  Pro-rate cost of staff salaries

Transferability: LEA may transfer up to 50% unless; –School is in need of improvement-then they can only transfer 30%. –The transferred funds are subject to requirements of the program to which they are transferred –The LEA must notify WVDE (form) –The LEA must consult with County SDFS Advisory Committee.

Website Resources

What is next? Grant on-line (5 year Strategic Plan) 21% cut in funds (consortiums) More Technical Assistance School Climate Dean Lee, WVDE Coordinator –(304)