The Benefits of a Research Active Trust. What is Research? Research is about finding out something new and innovative by combining theory with evidence.


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Presentation transcript:

The Benefits of a Research Active Trust

What is Research? Research is about finding out something new and innovative by combining theory with evidence (Diabetes UK, 2011) Research is a systemic course of action which contributes to the development of new and original treatment options and approaches to care which are achieved through the gathering of evidence and application of knowledge. LoBiondo – Wood and Haber (2006)

What are the alternatives to Research? Common sense and medical and nursing traditions. The theory that something has always been done in a certain way so it must work Intuition and gut instinct These alternatives can be of value but should not be used in place of evidence based practice achieved through the meticulous research process in order to achieve the best possible patient outcomes (Nieswiadomy,2008)

Benefits If novel interventions are found to be better then research participants could directly benefit and if this leads to a change in practice it may have widespread benefits. Treatment effect It is possible that all patients in research will do better regardless of whether they receive standard or experimental care due to implied improvements in the control arms of the study. Participation effect through rigorous protocol driven care

Benefits A research culture attracts the recruitment/retention of key staff as well as providing access to novel technologies Overall improvement in care provision Increased awareness of research may help change healthcare professionals’ behaviour and lead to enhanced performance. Research and evaluation awareness

In Short….. Research translates into evidence based practice which means that we can give our patients in this trust the best possible care and treatment as well as access to the newest medications as soon as possible. If we are not research active other Trusts will be and we will adopt our future care and treatments from their research. So do we want to lead or do we want to follow?

The good news is…We are already research active The Trust ‘sponsors’ (leads on) approximately 1 in 4 research projects that are approved (around 200 new projects approved every year). Since April 2013 the Trust has recruited approximately 1,500 participants into clinical trials and research projects (average recruitment is around 4,000 participants a year). Most clinical areas are involved in research activity at some level with support from established and growing research teams.

Research ‘Ins and Outs’ Research participation is not an ‘exclusive’ activity (all patients, relatives and carers should be able to participate or contribute to research). Research delivery is not an ‘exclusive activity for doctors’ (ideas generated and led by nurses, support staff and allied health professionals are of huge importance). Research should not be limited to the ‘headline grabbing areas’ (i.e. cardiovascular and cancer). Research is not just ‘complex drug trials’ (observational, non- interventional and medical device research is equally important).

How is your Trust performing on research? An annual league table, in collaboration with The Guardian Online shows the most comprehensive picture of clinical research activity available. The report shows that more than 630,000 NHS patients in England took part in clinical research studies last year – the highest level since the Network’s figures began. 2012/13 Large Acute Trusts (44 Trusts) Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust was 6th in terms of the ‘Number of Recruiting Studies’ and 8 th in terms of ‘Participant recruitment numbers’

Key R&D Strategic Objectives Patient FocusPartnership WorkingR&D InfrastructureResearch Culture & TrainingFinance & Risk

(1) Patient Focus R&D All research will contribute to the delivery of improved patient outcomes HEYHT Provide safe, high quality, effective care Vision + Values Great Care

(2) Partnership Working R&D Together we can achieve more HEYHT Create and sustain purposeful partnerships Vision + Values Great Future

(3) R&D Infrastructure R&D Investing in infrastructure is safeguarding future ambitions HEYHT To ensure efficient, economic use of resources – targeted and prioritised effectively Vision + Values Great Staff

(4) Research Culture & Training R&D Creation of an all inclusive research culture in a supportive environment HEYHT To demonstrate strong, respectful, impactful leadership To have a capable, effective, valued and committed workforce Vision + Values Great Staff

(5) Finance & Risk R&D Maximising income opportunities and managing risks HEYHT To ensure delivery against our priorities and objectives Vision + Values Great Future

(6) Foundation Trust R&D The R&D strategic objectives are a core and pivotal component of the Trust Foundation Trust application. HEYHT To be a strong, high performing Foundation Trust Vision + Values Great Staff, Great Care, Great Future

Faster, Easier Clinical Research A common barrier to active research participation from clinical staff is the lengthy and bureaucratic application process. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) is working to promote faster, easier clinical research to high standards through: Implementation of a 30 day target for approval of portfolio research from receipt of a ‘valid application’. Implementation of a 70 day target for first patient recruited into portfolio research from receipt of a ‘valid application’. Implementation of national research agreement and costing templates. The Trust performance will be monitored by the NIHR and Trust Board in 2013/14.

Contacts R&D Manager, James Illingworth enquires: Telephone: Fax: Address: Research & Development Department Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 2nd Floor Daisy Building Castle Hill Hospital Cottingham East Yorkshire HU16 5JQ

Reference list Diabetes UK (2011) Research Strategy [on line] London: DUK Available Lo-Biondo-Wood.G and Haber.J(2006) Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice 6 th ed. Missouri: Mosby Elsevier Nieswiadomy R.M (2008) Foundations of Nursing Research 5 th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall