Welcome to 4 th Grade! Ms. Oglesby’s Class A note to the parents about this year
How you might feel right now!
Hello Again! It is great to have your student again! We are going to have a fantastic year! This is just to let you know a few things that will be going on this year that may be different from last year.
Conduct Students will receive conduct marks for breaking school rules. They will be recorded and sent home every other Tuesday with grade work in their Tuesday folders. Please keep the graded papers at home, we no longer need them.
Planners Planners are $4.00 in the office. They will be used in every class for every subject. Please make sure to check your child’s planner every evening for homework. Also I am requesting (homeroom only) for parents to send $1.00 for pencil pouches for a pencil plan we will implement to try to make those pencils stretch through the year.
Absences If your child is absent they are responsible for checking for makeup work. I have a special basket in my room for this and they will be trained on how to use it. If a student is absent one day they have one day to complete and return makeup work. Two days=two days to complete and etc.
Homework Homework will be worth 100 points an assignment. For each day the homework is late I will deduct 20 points. I will not accept homework after the week during which it was due unless there has been a prior arrangement made. (Please call or !) Students will sign the No Homework book if they do not have the homework and will be bringing a portion of that for you to sign as well. Hopefully this will be a way for us to communicate with each other throughout the year on the topic of homework.
Nightly Reading Each child is responsible for 20 minutes of nightly reading. They will have a reading log similar to last year that you must sign. I will not take late reading logs unless a student is absent on a Friday. I will not take unsigned reading logs. Students may read multiple sources for these logs not just library books so they should have something always available to read.
Why it is SOOOO Important!
I look forward for a great year with you and your child! Thanks for letting me have them again! Questions??? Phone: Conference 12:00-12:45 Daily