Veronika Stiles University of Michigan HYGDCE 484 November 25,2008
Confusing terminology A single classification is necessary International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalities classification system (1996): Soft tissue vascular lesions Vascular tumors Vascular Malformations (e.g., hemangioma) (e.g., Sturge-Weber Syndrome) 1. Enjolras O, Mulliken JB. Vascular tumors and vascular malformations (new issues). Adv Dermatol. 1997;13:
Benign proliferation of endothelial cells Most common neoplasm of the infancy Does not exhibit unlimited growth potential Types: capillary (small vessel); cavernous (large vessel); and mixed 2. Ibsen OA, Phelan JA. Oral Pathology for the dental hygienist. 3rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company; © DermAtlas
Unclear Possible role of angiogenesis is identified: Excess of stimulating cytokines, or… Decrease in angiogenesis inhibitors No genetic component is reported 3. Katz DA. Hemangioma [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2008 Nov 17; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from:
30% are visible at birth Majority arises between weeks 1-4 Go through slow regression “involution” Involution can last 3-10 years By age 5, 50% of infants no longer have it 4. Vascular Birthmarks [Internet]. Latham (NY): Vascular Birthmarks Foundation; c [cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: 5. Correa PH, Nunes LC, Johann AC, Ferreira de Aguiar MC, Gomez RS, Mesquita RA. Prevalence of oral hemangioma, vascular malformation and varix in a Brazilian population. Braz Oral Res Jan- Mar; 21 (1): 40-5.
Females are 5 times more susceptible Twins Caucasians Low birth weight infants (>2.2 lbs): 26% chance of developing hemangiomas 4. Vascular Birthmarks [Internet]. Latham (NY): Vascular Birthmarks Foundation; c [cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: Available from: Microsoft Office Word 2007
83% occur in head and neck area Tongue (ventral) is most common intraoral site Followed by lips and buccal mucosa Variably sized deep red or blue lesions Frequently blanch under pressure 2.Ibsen OA, Phelan JA. Oral Pathology for the dental hygienist. 3 rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company; Vascular Birthmarks [Internet]. Latham (NY): Vascular Birthmarks Foundation; c [cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: © DermAtlas Ventral of the tongue Upper lip
Usually asymptomatic to the patient Compression of tissues around it Formation of fissures Macroglossia if the tongue is affected Formation of ulcers and hemorrhages Functional and aesthetic problems 6. Donnelly LF, Adams DM, Bisset GS 3 rd. Vascular malformations and hemangiomas: a practical approach in a multidisciplinary clinic. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2000; 174(3): Jackson IT, Carreno R, Potparic Z, Hussain K. Hemangiomas, vascular malformations, and lymphovenous malformations: classification and methods of treatment. Plas Reconstr Surg. 1993; 91 (7) : © DermAtlas
Keep in mind possibility of severe bleeding Severe hemorrhage can complicate treatment Interference with eating, breathing, speaking Rapid tumor enlargement Early detection and biopsy are necessary Treatment: sclerotherapy, corticosteroids, interferon α, laser, embolization, surgery 2. Ibsen OA, Phelan JA. Oral pathology for the dental hygienist. 3 rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company; Vascular Birthmarks [Internet]. Latham (NY): Vascular Birthmarks Foundation; c [cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: 5. Correa PH, Nunes LC, Johann AC, Ferreira de Aguiar MC, Gomez RS, Mesquita RA. Prevalence of oral hemangioma, vascular malformation and varix in a Brazilian population. Braz Oral Res Jan- Mar; 21 (1): 40-5.
AKA cystic hygroma, lymphangioma, hemangiolymphangioma Benign tumor composed of lymphatic vessels Etiology is unclear Errors of the vascular morphogenesis Most are congenital 2. Ibsen OA, Phelan JA. Oral pathology for the dental hygienist. 3rd ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Company; Vascular Birthmarks [Internet]. Latham (NY): Vascular Birthmarks Foundation; c [cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: 9. Tatulescu D, Secheli I, Secheli M. An unusual case of vascular malformation requiring additional orthodontic, swallowing and voice therapy after intralesional Bieomycin injection. German Medical Science. 2006; 27 (6). © DermAtlas
Infection-related: 70-80% experience infection Airway related: may lead to airway obstruction 10.Edwards SP. Oral lymphoangiomas [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2006 Apr 12; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: Available from:
Superficial lesions: pebby and clear/bluish Image 1:Oral representation: Lower lip Deeper lesions: soft and ill-defined Macrosystic lesions: fluctuant and transilluminating 10.Edwards SP. Oral lymphoangiomas [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2006 Apr 12; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from: Available from:
Oral lesions compromised airway Lesions tend to recur Dental caries is prevalent due to poor OH Oral-systemic link: spread of odontogenic infection to a LM can be life-threatening Premature tooth loss compromises diet 10.Edwards SP. Oral lymphoangiomas [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2006 Apr 12; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from:
Maxillofacial skeleton dysmorphogenesis Due to pressure effects and high blood flow Speech pathologies Abnormal mobility and morphology of tongue Palatal hypomobility Neonate feeding difficulties Complications from surgical treatment 10.Edwards SP. Oral lymphoangiomas [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2006 Apr 12; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from:
Due to multiple dental complications of LM, aggressive dental care is indicated meticulous oral hygiene is emphasized more frequent dental recall appointments pediatric DDS should be involved early for LM children 10.Edwards SP. Oral lymphoangiomas [Internet]. Emedicine from WebMD; c [updated 2006 Apr 12; cited 2008 Nov 21]. Available from:
Congenital neurological disorder Seizures Large unilateral port-wine stain on forehead Covers upper eyelid also Caused by overabundance of capillaries around nerve V Loss of nerve cells in the area of the stain 11.National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. NINDS Sturge-Weber Syndrome Information Page [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health. [updated 2007 Feb 14; cited 2008 Nov 23]. Available from: © DermAtlas
Teeth might come in early or late Gingival hypertrophy is common Periodontal management is often recommended Prior to any invasive surgery, MRI/MRA or CAT of the face are indicated Meticulous oral hygiene is emphasized 12. Comi A (Director of Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD. ). Ask the SWS expert [Internet]. Message to: Veronika Stiles (University of Michigan Degree Completion E-Learning Dental Hygiene Program, Ann Arbor, MI Nov 19, 09:18 [cited 2008 Nov 23]. © DermAtlas
My aunt Liliya’s face has been disfigured by a large unilateral port-wine stain: R cheek, eye When she moved to Germany, laser surgery has corrected the port-wine stain appearance Former Russian president, Mikhail Gorbachev, has been affected by a port-wine stain Available from: