SafetySuite An online Hazard & Incident reporting system for Global Studies Social Science and Planning
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 2 What is SafetySuite? SafetySuite is an online Hazard and Incident reporting system imbedded into our existing ESS portal. It replaces the current hard copy Incident form, and sends s to relevant staff who have OHS responsibilities for the room in which the hazard exists, or where the incident took place. The investigation of hazards and incidents are recorded in SAP, and therefore can be reported on.
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 3 Current Incident/Hazard Form People & Culture Health & Safety Rep Head of School Injured Person White Copy Yellow Copy Green Copy Pink Copy
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 4 New ESS SafetySuite Hazard Form People & Culture Health & Safety Rep Head of School or Delegate Property Services Automatic Notification
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 5 New ESS SafetySuite Incident Form People & Culture Health & Safety Rep Head of School or delegate Injured Person Automatic Notification
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 6 Benefits of Safetysuite Easily accessible to all staff, including casual employees, which should lead to an improved safety culture Improved hazard reporting. Separating hazard reporting from incident reporting means that hazards can be reported before an incident occurs. This has the potential to reduce incidents, therefore reducing injuries and workcover claims. Increased incident reporting. (minor incidents give us a clue that a more serious incident may occur) More timely notifications compared to hard copy (Some incident reports have taken months to reach People and Culture) Additional information (eg investigation) can be added at a later date Improved Management reporting in terms of: 1.Where hazards are located 2.What controls are in place to manage the risks associated with hazards 3.What hazards are yet to be assessed 4.Where incidents occur 5.What causes incidents 6.What incidents haven’t been investigated
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 7 Benefits of Safetysuite
RMIT University©2009 People and Culture 8 SafetySuite Progress at January 2010 SafetySuite rolled out to Peope and Culture, Property Services and Schools in SEH in SafetySuite introduced to DSC College Office in Jan 2010 with a seamless rollout. Aim to implement SafetySuite to entire college over the coming months. GSSP among the first schools to ‘go live’ New and improved reporting options giving greater clarity for the school