By: Jake RussellPrincipals of Info. Tech.3 rd period
What do Multimedia Artists/Animators do? They do things from creating animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games, to other medial. Also, they create two and three dimensional models and animations.
They often work for the motion picture and video industry, but others can work from a home office.
To be a multimedia artist/animator, you need to be very creative. You have to have a very big imagination to make original digital effects,2D and 3D models, and animations. Under 40% that didn’t get their bachelor’s degree made it in the industry Employment change from is 5,500
To do this career, you often need: A Bachelor’s degree in animation arts, and other training. You also need personal qualities such as artistic talent, creativity, people skills, and physical stamina for long work hours. Need good personal judgement
Employment expected to grow 8% through 2020 Reason of growth is demand for new animation games and movies People often start out as software publishers, then work their way to the top to the movie/video game business
Competition will grow because more people are becoming interested in the job Growth will be limited due to work animation work being sent to other countries with different technology
Average Annual wage for a multimedia artist is about $58.5K Highest paid animators are in the motion picture and video industry
After learning about this career’s qualifications, I probably wouldn’t want to go into this career field or job. Although I would be willing to get a bachelor’s degree, and I do have people skills, I have no artistic skills (I can’t draw to save my life.)
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