October- Acceptance by Service Daily Avg = /day more than Sept >1/day less than June-Aug
October- Acceptances by Day
October- Top 10 Referring Hospitals 5 th month in a row that top 5 consist of AMC, RMH, CRH, LGH & MJH
October- Breakdown of total requests % rate of acceptance up 4% from Sept Cancellations down 3% Denials down 2%
October- Breakdown of Cancellation Dispositions
October- Breakdown of Denial Dispositions
October- Breakdown of Denials Adult ED4 General Surgery2 Internal Med- Hospitalist2 Neurosurgery2 GI Medicine1 TOTAL11
October- % of total accepted pts by zone
October- % of Zone Acceptances by Subspecialty ED Medicine Surgery Peds
October- Longest 10 Services for Average Time from Transfer Request to Patient Accepted minutes n=1 n=5 n=4 n=22
October- Longest 10 Services for Average Time from Patient Accepted to Bed Assigned Hours n=12 n=5 n=30 n=20 n=5 n=45