March 17, 2015 Chris Pennington, Ed. S. Assistant Principal, Curriculum & Instruction Athens Middle School
Presentation is designed to provide an overview of the transition process for 7 th grade students who plan to attend 8 th grade at Athens Middle School during the school year. Share pre-registration counseling session time during the weeks of April 3-17 with an AMS homeroom advocate.
There are multiple academic paths to consider at Athens Middle School for 8 th grade, depending on class subject strengths/grades, and future interests. All paths provide a quality academic experience. Path choices need to be carefully considered with open discussions between your child and their teacher advocate.
8 th Mathematics (standard class) 8 th Honors Math* (advanced class) 8 th Algebra I* (advanced class) 7th Mathematics (standard class) 7 th Honors Math* (pre algebra) * If a student is not successful in an honors class, movement to a standards class may be necessary. Movement from a standards class into an 8 th honors class will depend on achievement data, class grade, and teacher recommendation based on ability and effort.
7 th Language Arts (standard class) 7 th Honors ELA* (advanced class) 8 th Language Arts (standard class) 8 th Honors ELA* (advanced class) * If a student is not successful in an honors class, movement to a standards class may be necessary. Movement from a standards class into an 8 th honors class will depend on achievement data, class grade, and teacher recommendation based on ability and effort.
7 th Science (standard class) 7 th Honors Science* (advanced class) 8 th Science (standard class) 8 th Honors Science* (advanced class) * If a student is not successful in an honors class, movement to a standards class may be necessary. Movement from a standards class into an 8 th honors class will depend on achievement data, class grade, and teacher recommendation based on ability and effort.
8 th Social Studies > standard class > one full year
NASA B.E.S.T.* and Engineering Class* (require enrollment in either 8 th Honors Math, or Algebra I class with a sustained A-B math grade average). AVID students will be required to take at least one 8 th grade Honors class. AMS Ambassador* (will require teacher recommendation, no discipline, outstanding grades in all core subjects).
Students participating in an AMS sponsored team sport* will be required to take the strength and conditioning class, which takes the place of regular P.E. class. If a child does not participate in an AMS sponsored team sport, they will be required to take regular P.E. class. * Student must be eligible to participate in a sport, with all documentation required on file, in order to take strength and conditioning. Cheerleading class does not count as a P.E. class. All cheerleaders will take regular P.E.
8 th Band (full year) 8 th Choir (full year) AVID* (full year) 8 th Eagle News* (full year) 8 th Art (1/2 year) 8 th Computer Tech (1/2 year) 8 th Engineering Concepts (1/2 year) 8 th Music Appreciation (1/2 year) 8 th Grade Recycling Responsibilities * Must be selected from an interview process with teacher recommendation, and or meet the necessary criteria for the elective.
Required: Power Up Annual Fee P.E. Uniform (S and S) Locker 8.00 Required by Elective Participation: Band Fee10.00 Concert Choir10.00 Art 5.00 Team Sports* TBA Cheer*, Flag*, Baton* TBA * Participation is dependent on selection from tryouts.
Take a pre-registration form home, talk about class options with your child, fill out the form, and return it to their homeroom teacher after spring break. Your child will return the completed pre-registration form to their homeroom teacher. The teacher will pursue the most appropriate path for your child, based on parent requests and available achievement data. The teacher advocate will secure recommendations for honors classes and take appropriate steps to choose the best path for each child. (take time to look at the AMS curriculum guide posted on the AMS websites before you complete the form!). IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOUR CHILD RETURN THEIR FORM BY THE END OF THE WEEK WE RETURN FROM SPRING BREAK (MAR 30-APR 3) We cannot guarantee your child will receive the schedule you desire for them if you do not return the form at the appointed time. Keep in mind that all student scheduling will be based on individual student academic needs and best interest. You may view the AMS Curriculum Guide on the AMS website. Please me with any additional questions or concerns at: