OMB Data Visualization Tool Requirements Analysis: SAP Dr. Brand Niemann Director and Senior Data Scientist Semantic Community AOL Government Blogger July 30,
Background DRAFT White Paper for OMB Pittsburgh, July 11, Start With the End in Mind, Avoid Tool and Turf Wars, and Develop Well-designed Spreadsheets That Can be “Dragged and Dropped” Onto a Tool That Creates Statistics and Visualizations in the Public and Private Clouds. Focus on Requirements Analysis by First Comparing Magic Quadrant Leaders and Challengers on Common Data Sets. Spotfire Was Able to Reproduce Birst, IBM, Information Builders, Logi Analytics, Microsoft, MicroStrategy, QlikView, SAS, and Tableau Data Visualizations With Dynamically Linked Visualizations. Broaden This Requirements Analysis to Include More Sample Data Sets and Tools. SAP Is a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. 2
Gartner BI Magic Quadrant: SAP SAP Analytics Strengths and Cautions Excerpts SAP is the global market share leader of the BI and analytics platforms market. SAP is frequently cited by customers as the enterprise standard BI and analytics platform. SAP Predictive Analysis, introduced in 2012, bolstered its predictive analytics offering by integrating analytical capabilities already built in R with the real-time and in- memory capabilities of Hana to create some new, advanced analytic use cases. When respondents were asked which product-specific limitations were barriers to wider deployment, more SAP respondents cited software quality than for any other vendor. 3 Note: Bolding by the author to highlight key points. Source:
SAP: Free Trials 4
SAP Crystal Solutions: Download 1 5
SAP Crystal Solutions: Download 2 6
SAP Crystal Solutions: Download 3 7
SAP Crystal Solutions: Download 4 8 Begin Download (451 MB)!
SAP Crystal Dashboard Design: PDF 9
SAP Hana 10 On May 10 th, 2013, SAP announced the renaming of SAP Visual Intelligence to SAP Lumira™. This FAQ document answers questions about the name change and its implications.FAQ document
SAP Hana 11
SAP Community Network 12 a word of warning: Lesson learned: HANA ain't cheap..
SAP Lumira 13
SAP Lumira Personal Edition GB of free storage Quickly analyze your data by uploading a spreadsheet Collaborate with colleagues by sharing datasets, analytics and documents Built-in saving and opening from within SAP Lumira
SAP Lumira: Import Spreadsheet 15
SAP Predictive Analysis 16 Number of Downloads: GBytes Hard Disk!
Budget 2013: Spotfire 17 Knowledge Base: Spreadsheet: Spotfire:
Some Conclusions and Recommendations Semantic Community Was Able to Import An Excel File Into SAP Lumira Cloud But It Did not Automatically Generate (Intelligent Analytics) Dynamically Linked Graphics Like Spotfire Does. Spotfire Provides Similar Features To SAP Lumira Cloud and Predictive Analysis, But the Author Finds Spotfire Much Easier and More Powerful to Use. MindTouch and Spotfire Are More Versatile Than SAP Lumira, Hana, and Predictive Analysis For Mashups. Semantic Community Will Continue to Use The Gartner BI Magic Quadrant Leader Tools and Their Sample Data Sets and to Recreate Visualizations and Dashboards. 18