High School Information Meeting St. Pius X School September 6, pm
Talk to Your Child Ask questions ◦ What is he or she thinking? ◦ What is influencing his or her thinking? ◦ What are his or her concerns? Share your thoughts and concerns with him or her
Before making any decisions… Consider these influences ◦ Co-ed or Single Gender ◦ Friends ◦ Location ◦ Transportation ◦ Courses ◦ Interests ◦ Activities ◦ Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid
Resources School Websites Application Guide School Literature and Brochures Directors of Admission, Main Office Personnel Saint Pius X and our Alumni High School Fairs Open Houses Office of Magnet Programs (Public Schools)
Shadow Days (October through December) Schools of Interest – Contact the individual schools to schedule shadow dates Current 8 th grade students are allowed two shadow days (which are excused if the request form is completed).
Shadow Days ( October through December ) Ensure your child is prepared for shadowing ◦ Proper attire ◦ Lunch or snack money ◦ A book ◦ Other materials as indicated by the school Follow up with your child after the visit ◦ Did your child feel comfortable? ◦ How was the cafeteria food? ◦ What did he or she do?
Open Houses (October through December) School Leadership and Faculty Academics and Fine Arts Facilities Resources Clubs/Activities Athletics
Applying to a Catholic High School
Standard Catholic High School Information Release Form Parents or guardians complete the appropriate section: select three high schools, sign the release form, and submit it to Mrs. Ripley Saint Pius X School will forward the records to the schools selected (official records will not be released to students/families)
Archdiocesan High School Placement Test (HSPT) 8:30am Register when you arrive $30.00 Cash Fee Extended Time Documentation (IEP or 504 Plan for extended time needs to be provided in advance) – for more information please call CATHOLIC Not necessary to take test at first choice school
HSPT Prep Class Classes will be held Mondays beginning September 10 th Last class will be held Monday, November 26 th Check Mrs. Ruppert’s website for more details
Applications Must fill out individual school applications Fees Requirements (Essays, Interviews, etc.) No letters of recommendation
Request for Records If the student attends an Archdiocesan Catholic school in Baltimore, the Standard Archdiocesan Release Form (from SPX) is all that is needed from the parent.
Financial Considerations Tuition Assistance Scholarships (Guidelines differ from school to school) Financial Aid (Deadlines and requirements) Knott Scholarship –
How do schools make their decisions? Everything is taken into consideration! HSPT results Grades (6 th,7 th, and/or 8 th ) Comments from SPX Standardized Test Scores Interviews Shadow Days Attendance (Absences and Tardies) Writing Samples
Timeline October – December: Shadow Days November – Catholic High School Release Forms December – HSPT Check with schools for individual application deadlines February 15 th : High School Decision Letters mailed March 1 st : Catholic High School Registration Deadline March 25 th (5:00pm) Knott Scholarship Application Deadline On or about April 8 th – Knott Scholarship notification
Registration Deadline Register students at the high school to which they’ve been accepted and want to attend DEADLINES VARY BY SCHOOL REGISTRATION FEE (non-refundable)
Catholic Admissions Procedures QUESTIONS?
Process for Baltimore County Schools
Types of Public Schools Locally Zoned School High School Magnet Programs
Local Zoned School The public school in your neighborhood/area your student would attend For your child to attend, you need to register and show proof that you live the school’s zone/area There are no entrance criteria
Magnet Schools Magnet programs: theme-oriented programs that provide students with in-depth experiences in particular areas of interest Students meeting admission criteria are placed into a pool of qualified applicants When number of qualified applicants exceeds available seats, random lottery selection process is used May apply to up to three magnet schools May apply to one magnet program per school
Baltimore County Magnet Schools Information regarding the application process can be found on Baltimore County Public Schools website ply.asp
Timeline Magnet EXPO: Saturday, September 15, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza (Timonium) Individual school open houses: October – November High School Applications: available September 5 th – November 30 th Application Deadline: Friday, November 30 th School-based assessments: January 2013 Notification of High School Placement: early March
Information for Baltimore City Public Schools Information about registering for a Baltimore City school can be found on the Baltimore City Public Schools website: n/129 You can also visit the websites of individual schools for detailed information about their admissions procedures.
Public School Application Procedure QUESTIONS?
BEANS AND BREAD PAPERWORK Information Letter Student Letter St. Vincent de Paul Permission Slip St. Pius X Permission Slip