Understanding the State Budget David Oppenheim, Executive Director, CSDA Mark Beckley, Chief Deputy Director, DCSS
Building a Budget
Have You Ever Wondered How…
Branches of Government
Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Branch
Executive Branch (continued)
CHHS Department of AgingDepartment of Managed Health Care Department of State Hospitals Department of Child Support Services Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development Department of Community Services and Development Department of Public HealthOffice of Health Information Integrity Emergency Medical Services Authority Department of RehabilitationOffice of the Patient Advocate Department of Health Care Services Department of Social ServicesOffice of Systems Integration
CHHS (Continued)
Budget Process Quick Facts
Budget Responsibility
Department of Finance (DOF)
DOF (continued)
Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO)
The Budget Act
DCSS Budget
California’s Child Support Program
DCSS Budgets and Procurement Branch
One Budget - Two Categories State Operations Local Assistance
State Operations
Local Assistance
Budget Development
Department Budget Overview
LCSA SFY Allocations
History of the Admin Allocation SFY Baseline Allocations were set SFY A negative adjustment of $12.6m was made to transfer funds from the LCSAs to the State for the print/mail services contract Reduction was made based on prior reported expenditures $6m was added to the $12.6m to fully fund the contract SFY $18.7m was appropriated for Revenue Stabilization Funds were allocated based on revenue generating FTEs Adjusted for performance in Collections on Current Support and Collections on Arrears
Program Performance
Incentives California receives incentives based on the five performance measures The national pool for 14/15 is $553,000,000 California’s share of the national pool is 7.29% For FY 13/14, the estimated incentives are $40.3m – an increase of 3.03% over the prior year.
California Compared to other States TexasCaliforniaMichigan New York OhioFlorida Caseload1,421,1931,290,377996,341918,027899,109854,777 Collections$3.3b$2.3b$1.3b$1.8b$1.7b$1.6b Statewide PEP100.9%98.6%90.8%91.8%90.4%90.5% Cases with an Order82.5%89.0%77.4%80.8%87.0%80.3% Current Collections65.4%63.3%67.1%65.5%67.4%53.6% Arrearage Collections64.6%65.1%58.3%56.9%64.2%59.6% Cost Effectiveness$11.61$2.54$5.93$4.90$7.45$6.33 Expenditures per Case$232$700$226$400$257$287
And Here is why it is Important
David Oppenheim Mark Beckley