Transitional Kindergarten
Agenda Background - SB 1381 Is it Preschool? Is it Kindergarten? Learning from Existing Transitional Kindergartens Resources and Next Steps
Background California is one of just four states with a cut-off date later than December 1st. In most states children must turn five by September 1st in order to start kindergarten. (along with Connecticut, Michigan and Vermont)
California’s Kindergarten Standards are among the most rigorous in the nation. Research indicates that beginning kindergarten at an older age improves children’s social and academic development. Kindergarten Readiness assessment – high percentage of children deemed “less ready” are young – not yet 5 Likewise 2nd grade CST Language Arts scores raise concerns about our preschool to 2nd grade continuum – especially for English learners
Enter SB 1381-Simitian Bill changes the required birthday for admission to kindergarten and first grade Dec 2nd policy remains thru 2011-12 Moves to: November 1st of 2012-13 school year October 1st of the 2013-14 school year September 1st of 2014-15 school year and each year thereafter Many previous attempts to raise age failed in CA Originally – let’s do something good for kids on the age margin – a gift of time – and save $ transformed to age and Trans K Tran k affects ¼ of children currently eligible - Many of these may not be coming to K now – parents with financial means may be holding their young children back for another year of preschool – many cannot afford this choice – those
SB 1381 requires “a child whose admission to a traditional kindergarten is delayed to be admitted to a transitional kindergarten program.” Transitional K children included in calculation of ADA voluntary for families
SB 1381 child born between Sep. 1 and Dec. 2 can be admitted to regular kindergarten on case-by case basis, using existing District policies on promotion. child who is 5 years old, with birthday before September 1, may be admitted to Transitional K on a case by case basis according to existing District policies on retention.
The Bill, cont’d staffed by certificated kindergarten teachers children may only spend 2 years in TK – K. ...”transitional kindergarten” means the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a modified curriculum that is age and developmentally appropriate.” Further SB 1381 states that no child is eligible for more than 2 years of Kindergarten – trans K + traditional kinder - or as perhaps happens now trad kinder and children repeating kinder. On a case by case basis, schools may decide that a TK child should be moved to trad K
The Goal of Transitional K Provide the youngest kindergartners with the gift of time – a readiness year that is developmentally appropriate and will better prepare them for success in traditional kindergarten.
Intended to build a bridge between the preschool years.... and traditional Kindergarten…
Transitional Kindergarten What does it look like? Preschool Kindergarten Transitional Kindergarten
you are familiar with the Kinder standards Perhaps less with what are called the Preschool Learning Fd aligned with K standards with exception of Soc Emo t
There are some long time TKs and early implementers We have sample vision statements, enrollment documents, curriculum and assessment choices from: Palo Alto USD LAUSD – with over 30 classrooms Kingsburg Elementary in Fresno County Ocean View Elementary and Magnolia School Districts in Orange County
Curriculum Design Themes Developmental approach/no time pressures Based on both California Preschool Learning Foundations and Kindergarten Standards Integrated, experiential, utilizing learning centers Strong emphasis on social emotional development Focus on a few essential readiness areas: Language and communication Math –number sense and problem solving Physical – large and fine motor skills Family involvement Certificated, experienced Kindergarten teachers Common themes for these presenters and others I have heard
Planning Issues? Choosing teachers Selecting site(s) Informing families and community Funding model Choosing curriculum Professional development for teachers Assessment . Teachers – ideally experienced Kinder teachers with ECE background, interested in devel approach Sites – start small? At strategic school sites just one site. classroom space (w/ bathrooms, yard, etc. Families and community – families need to hear about it – lots of communication – various ways – countywide efforts ECE community – oppty to bridge gap between ECE and Districts – fear of losing students – oppty to partner Funding model – ADA only.... Title 1, prioritize instructional aide, parent volunteer requirements realistic for your district Curriculum - Not just one that fits – not 2 yrs of K Prof Devel – how will teachers learn – provide same content and support – time -develop strong, successful program Assessments – what others are using – support for – report cards, etc.
Bottom Line? Its a Kindergarten classroom classroom and play yard? – Kindergarten classroom class size? Kindergarten size Of course best practice would seek smaller size Use of volunteers and instructional aides can help length of day? – requirement is 4 hrs or minutes/year. Districts may also use full-day Kindergarten model Some early implementers begin with 4 hr day and move to full-day in January when children are accustomed to it.
Flexibility Ideas Use Title 1 or other funds to support Create a cluster/consortium from neighboring schools or districts Combo class with differentiated instruction Professional development provided county-wide Partner with Preschool or afterschool programs
Flexibility Ideas If District too small to have a full class or a full class at each school.... may use differentiated instruction may include older 5’s who District and families believe would benefit from Transitional K to make up full classes would need to follow District policy for retention and have parent buy-in
Potential Additional Costs for start-up and beyond Professional development for teachers Assessment (at entrance, during and after) Materials and equipment for classrooms Curriculum Consideration of class size Kingsburg Elementary spent $8,495 for start-up costs for curriculum and supplies Start-up with Sept – Dec children, or slowly
Resources Here, or on the Way SMCOE TK Learning Circle and support Preschool Foundations and Frameworks Bridge document for Foundations and Kindergarten standards (both current and California Common Core Standards) Toolkit of template documents from other counties School Readiness Observation Tool (DRDP-SR) Bridges to Success School Readiness assessment will be available next year Based on the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) – part of Early Learning System, highlighted earlier Fresno’s regional forum Learning Circle for planning potential countywide tools – joint professional development