Whit Hayslip, Early Childhood Education Consultant Kris Damon, Transitional Kindergarten Coach, Long Beach Unified School District October 16, 2012
Welcome : Ernesto Saldaña, State Field Director, Preschool California Transitional Kindergarten Presentation : “ Differentiated Instruction in the TK Classroom ” – Whit Hayslip, Early Childhood Education Consultant, and Kris Damon, Transitional Kindergarten Coach, Long Beach Unified School District Q&A - Please all questions to Araceli Sandoval- Gonzalez: Next Call : November 20, 3:30 Close 2
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Children are more alike than different Idea 1: 4 Please all questions to :
Idea 2: 5 Please all questions to :
What is each child learning? 9 Please all questions to :
What is each child learning? What am I teaching? 10 Please all questions to :
How do we know what to do to meet the needs of each child? 11 Please all questions to :
Decision Maker 12 Please all questions to :
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Teachers make a series of ongoing decisions throughout the program day 14 Please all questions to :
Key Principles of Learning That Guide Us in Making the Decisions that Differentiate Instruction Adapted from : Bredekamp and Copple “Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8” National Association for the Education of Young Children 15 Please all questions to :
Curriculum Assessment and curriculum are linked 16 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 17 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 1. Collecting and recording facts 18 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 1. Collecting and recording facts 2. Analyzing and evaluating what you learned 19 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 1. Collecting and recording facts 2. Analyzing and evaluating what you learned 3. Planning for each child and the group 20 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 1. Collecting and recording facts 2. Analyzing and evaluating what you learned 3. Planning for each child and the group 4. Reporting on children’s progress 21 Please all questions to :
Curriculum and Assessment: The Ongoing Cycle 1. Collecting and recording facts 2. Analyzing and evaluating what you learned 3. Planning for each child and the group 4. Reporting on children’s progress 22 Please all questions to :
The Group Big Ideas Units of Study Themes/Projects Anchor Texts Intentional Messages Storytelling Singing 24 Please all questions to :
The Group Big Ideas Units of Study Themes/Projects Anchor Texts Intentional Messages Storytelling Singing Each Child Responsive Interactions Flexible Grouping Center-Based Learning 25 Please all questions to :
Later abilities, skills and knowledge build on those already acquired. 26 Please all questions to :
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Teachers provide the “scaffolding” that allows the child to take the next step. 29 Please all questions to :
Teachers provide the “scaffolding” that allows the child to take the next step. Learning occurs through “guided participation”. It is a collaborative process between the teacher and child. 30 Please all questions to :
and unevenly within different areas of each child’s functioning. 31 Please all questions to :
Decisions about adult’s interactions with children should be as individualized as possible. 32 Please all questions to :
Individualizing We work with groups of children, children have individual needs. and 33 Please all questions to :
Individualized Group Instruction Individualized Group Instruction 34 Please all questions to :
Individualized Group Instruction Personalized Group Instruction 35 Please all questions to :
It is the practical application of the philosophy that recognizes, values, and plans for differences in how children develop, the rate at which growth occurs, and the individual life experiences that children bring to the program. -Diane Dodge 36 Please all questions to :
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the better able they are to meet the needs of all children. 38 Please all questions to :
The Group Big Ideas Units of Study Themes/Projects Anchor Texts Intentional Messages Storytelling Singing Each Child Responsive Interactions Flexible Grouping Center-Based Learning 39
Big Idea: Relationships Unit of Study: My World Theme: Off to School Anchor Text: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Project Based Activity: Create a class book using connections from the story and personal experience. Domain Goal/Foundation/Stand ard Exploring BuildingApplying English Language Development Social- Emotional Development Language & Literacy Mathematics Social Studies Science Art Physical Development KEY VOCABULARY raccoontickled thoughtful nuzzledteasedwarmth kissinggentlysecret scampered strange
Big Idea: Relationships Unit of Study: My World Theme: Off to School Anchor Text: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Project Based Activity: Create a class book using connections from the story and personal experience. KEY VOCABULARY raccoontickled thoughtful nuzzledteasedwarmth kissinggentlysecret scampered strange Domain Goal/Foundation/Stand ard Exploring BuildingApplying Language & Literacy Writing Strategies: 1.2 Writes letter or letter- like shapes to represent words or ideas. 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...) Emergent Writing: *DRDP- SR Child shows increasing ability to write using scribbles, symbols, letters, and words to represent meaning Activity:
Big Idea: Relationships Unit of Study: My World Theme: Off to School Anchor Text: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Project Based Activity: Create a class book using connections from the story and personal experience. KEY VOCABULARY raccoontickled thoughtful nuzzledteasedwarmth kissinggentlysecret scampered strange Domain Goal/Foundation/Stan dard Exploring BuildingApplying Language & Literacy Writing Strategies: 1.2 Writes letter or letter- like shapes to represent words or ideas. 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...) Emergent Writing: *DRDP- SR Child shows increasing ability to write using scribbles, symbols, letters, and words to represent meaning Activity : Text: Interactive dialogue through the text about “Text Features”: Words make meaning Pictures match words (Write the work “kiss” on the board. (“When we see the word k-i-s-s, what does that mean? What clues do we get from the story?”) Activity: Create your page for the class book: discuss/show the various ways that children record their thinking about their activity (i.e. drawing, scribbling, letters, words) have pens, pencils, markers, crayons out for students to write/draw about their favorite part/personal connection. Activity:
Big Idea: Relationships Unit of Study: My World Theme: Off to School Anchor Text: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Project Based Activity: Create a class book using connections from the story and personal experience. KEY VOCABULARY raccoontickled thoughtful nuzzledteasedwarmth kissinggentlysecret scampered strange Domain Goal/Foundation/Stand ard Exploring BuildingApplying Language & Literacy Writing Strategies: 1.2 Writes letter or letter- like shapes to represent words or ideas. 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...) Emergent Writing: *DRDP- SR Child shows increasing ability to write using scribbles, symbols, letters, and words to represent meaning Text: Interactive dialogue through the text about “Text Features”: words make meaning pictures match words Write the work “kiss” on the board. (“When we see the word k-i-s-s, what does that mean? What clues do we get from the story?”) Activity: Create your page for the class book: discuss/show the various ways that children record their thinking about their activity (i.e. drawing, scribbling, letters, words) have pens, pencils, markers, crayons out for students to write/draw about their favorite part/personal connection. Text: Interactive dialogue through the text around “Text Features”: pre-selected vocabulary co-construct chart around words in text Labeling and describing Activity: Create your page fro the class book: encourage and support students to label the elements of their scene (use charts, picture/word cards, word wall) support the writing process by highlighting places in the room or in the book they might find a word Activity:
Big Idea: Relationships Unit of Study: My World Theme: Off to School Anchor Text: The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn Project Based Activity: Create a class book using connections from the story and personal experience. KEY VOCABULARY raccoontickled thoughtful nuzzledteasedwarmth kissinggentlysecret scampered strange Domain Goal/Foundation/Stan dard Exploring BuildingApplying Language & Literacy Writing Strategies: 1.2 Writes letter or letter- like shapes to represent words or ideas. 1. Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is...) Emergent Writing: *DRDP-SR Child shows increasing ability to write using scribbles, symbols, letters, and words to represent meaning Text: Interactive dialogue through the text about “Text Features”: words make meaning pictures match words Write the work “kiss” on the board. (“When we see the word k-i-s-s, what does that mean? What clues do we get from the story?”) Activity: Create your page for the class book: discuss/show the various ways that children record their thinking about their activity (i.e. drawing, scribbling, letters, words) have pens, pencils, markers, crayons out for students to write/draw about their favorite part/personal connection. Text: Interactive dialogue through the text around “Text Features”: pre-selected vocabulary co-construct chart around words in text Labeling and describing Activity: Create your page for the class book: encourage and support students to label the elements of their scene (use charts, picture/word cards, word wall) Text: Interactive modeling through the text around “Text Features”: sentence building sentence structure sense of story Activity: Create your page for the class book: encourage students to write and expand on words to create simple sentences about their connections have students tell what they want to say and provide scaffold support as they write teacher charts words, labels, and sentences that describe their connections
Planning for Experiential Opportunities MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Anchor Text Key Vocabulary: Gestures Signals Songs Chants Visual Cues Transitions: Movement Music Songs Chants Patterns Center-based Learning: Dramatic Play Art Construction Discovery Puzzles/Game s Manipulatives Home/School Connection :
Tips to Consider in Planning 47
Tips to Consider in Planning Bring out the guides! 48 Please all questions to :
Bring out the guides! Organize and integrate curricula around Big Ideas, Units of Study, and Themes Tips to Consider in Planning 49 Please all questions to :
Bring out the guides! Organize and integrate curricula around Big Ideas, Units of Study, and Themes Select anchor texts and key vocabulary to support the Big Ideas Tips to Consider in Planning 50 Please all questions to :
Bring out the guides! Organize and integrate curricula around Big Ideas, Units of Study, and Themes Select anchor texts and key vocabulary to support the Big Ideas Find opportunities to engage all learners through direct instruction, project-based, and center-based activities Tips to Consider in Planning 51 Please all questions to :
Bring out the guides! Organize and integrate curricula around Big Ideas, Units of Study, and Themes Select anchor texts and key vocabulary to support the Big Ideas Find opportunities to engage all learners through direct instruction, project-based, and center-based activities Develop an integrated plan that includes development of physical, social, and cognitive domains and also includes multiple standards Tips to Consider in Planning 52 Please all questions to :
Bring out the guides! Organize and integrate curricula around Big Ideas, Units of Study, and Themes Select anchor texts and key vocabulary to support the Big Ideas Find opportunities to engage all learners through direct instruction, project-based, and center-based activities Develop an integrated plan that includes development of physical, social, and cognitive domains and also includes multiple standards Design a comprehensive instructional plan that leads to a rich lesson plan for a wide range of children. Tips to Consider in Planning
We must support one another in improving our ability to meet diverse needs of all of our children. Meet, reflect, plan and work together. No one can do it alone! 54 Please all questions to :
The Group Big Ideas Units of Study Themes/Projects Anchor Texts Intentional Messages Storytelling Singing Each Child Responsive Interactions Flexible Grouping Center-Based Learning 56