Welcome! Miss Kelly and Mrs. Bradley Co-Teaching 4 th Grade 1.Leave contact information 2.Take a look around the classroom 3.Please find your child's desk and take a seat. (Name tags are stars to the left) 4. You will find a letter from your child …Enjoy! Please make sure to respond on the blank sheet of paper provided. 5.Please fill out the “Tell Me About Your Child” paper(You may leave this for me, or send back in an envelope with your child.)
Welcome to 4th Grade Room 14 Miss Kristine Kelly Back to School Night
Miss Kristine Kelly A little bit about me: Graduated from Montclair State University where I earned a BA in Elementary Education and earned Master’s Degree in Reading last year Currently working towards a Supervisor’s certificate 8 th Year at Lafayette
Mrs. Bradley (co-teacher for ELA & Math) Please us both!
The very best way to reach us is via You may also send a note in with your child A monthly newsletter will be posted on my website Friday Folders COMMUNICATION
My Website This week at LAF… Homework Schedule Newsletter
Calendars and Schedules…
The 6-Day Cycle… My web page lists the daily schedule and rotation calendar LA (14) Math (9) Science/Social Studies (5 each) Spanish (3) Gym (3) - Health class all year long Music, Art, Library, Design & Tech, & Character
Daily Schedule Homeroom Jobs Morning Message Schedule Lessons Early Lunch Healthy Afternoon Snack (peanut, tree nut, and seed free please!) Homeroom/Applied Music/Dismissal
Applied Music 6 day schedule (A-F days) Chorus/Band/Orchestra Applied Music on A, C, E days Student responsibility to know day Schedule posted in front of room
Music Lessons 5 day schedule (Monday – Friday) Students are assigned: –A lesson number/name –A day of the week for their lessons Time of lesson changes Access LAF website for more info.
Student Led Conferences Dec. 2 nd -4 th (Half days of school) Students lead conferences Teachers join for part Students talk about completed work and share reflections and goals Parents can provide feedback to children More Info to Come!
Field Trips Thomas Edison National Historic Park (October 17th) History Of Chatham Walk (Date TBA) Ellis Island (Date TBA) More information and requests for chaperones will be provided as date of trips approach
Concerts Holiday Concert: Dec. 18 th Spring Concert: June 10 th
Celebrations! Birthdays: 1x month Extra recess Visit to the prize basket!
Agendas: Perfect for after school reminders Student Assignment pad Organization tool Source of information Friday Folders: Beginning in October On Friday, work from the week will be returned on Friday Please sign and return on Monday Will include a short note from either myself, Mrs. Palmieri, Mrs. Bradley & Mrs. Scarpello Subjects rotated
If your child is involved in any after school activities, such as the Head Show, Girl Scouts, After School Enrichment, mini-marathon, etc. please help them to remember when these activities take place. A perfect spot for a reminder is in the agenda!! After School Activities
Homework 40 minutes for fourth grade At least 20 additional minutes for reading Policy is: –Completed and on-time –If your child is having difficulty, please or send in a note
Language Arts HW Spelling –Three for Thursday –Time Management –Test on Friday –Rubric (self-assess) –Designated folder IRR (Independent Reading Responses) –Open-ended questions –-Writing in response to self- selected book *Homework will be posted on the website* * Linked to lessons within class*
READ FOR (at least) 20 MINUTES EVERY NIGHT Reading Notebook Book List Books to Read Genre Challenge Encouraging lifelong readers
Class organized into teams Creates a collaborative environment Evidence proves that it has a positive impact on self esteem, role-taking, self control, time on task, and a liking for school and learning. Cooperative Learning
Social Studies: United States Immigration Regions Government Map Skills
Language Arts
Reading Workshop Mini-lesson Mentor Texts Skills and Strategies Guided Practice Conferencing Book Clubs
Resources McGraw Hill Treasures Anthology Guided Reading books Classroom Libraries Novels Author Studies Picture Books Time For Kids National Geographic
Writing Workshop Writing Process Teacher directs genre, students choose topics Writer’s Notebook “Live life as a writer.”
Writing Workshop Instructional Model is Writing Workshop –Writer’s Notebooks Writing Process is divided into 5 steps: –Prewriting –Drafting –Revising –Editing/proofreading –Publishing Conferences
Types of Writing Descriptive Persuasive Letter Writing Literary Essays News articles Research reports Essays Fiction Portfolio Journaling Personal Narrative
We are so excited to get this school year underway and look forward to partnering with you to help your child grow. Thank you! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you ever have a question or concern. is the most reliable way to reach us. We will do our best to respond in a timely manner. Communication is essential!
YOUR Assignments Please look at the papers on your child’s desk Be sure to leave a note for your child Tour the classroom and your child’s desk Please leave your address and a phone number where you can best be reached
Classroom Parents Debbie Egan and Lori Sprengel
Welcome to 4th Grade Room 14 Miss Kristine Kelly Back to School Night
Miss Kelly A little bit about me: Graduated from Montclair State University where I earned a BA in Elementary Education and earned Master’s Degree in Reading last year Currently working towards a Supervisor’s certificate 8 th Year at Lafayette
The very best way to reach me is via You may also send a note in with your child A monthly newsletter will be posted on my website Friday Folders COMMUNICATION
My Website This week at LAF… Homework Schedule Newsletter
Homework 40 minutes for fourth grade At least 20 additional minutes for reading Policy is: –Completed and on-time –If your child is having difficulty, please or send in a note
Language Arts HW Spelling –Three for Thursday –Time Management –Test on Friday –Rubric (self-assess) –Designated folder IRR (Independent Reading Responses) –Open-ended questions –-Writing in response to self- selected book *Homework will be posted on the website* * Linked to lessons within class*
READ FOR (at least) 20 MINUTES EVERY NIGHT Reading Notebook Book List Books to Read Genre Challenge Encouraging lifelong readers
Class organized into teams Creates a collaborative environment Evidence proves that it has a positive impact on self esteem, role-taking, self control, time on task, and a liking for school and learning. Cooperative Learning
Language Arts
Reading Workshop Mini-lesson Mentor Texts Skills and Strategies Guided Practice Conferencing Book Clubs
Resources McGraw Hill Treasures Anthology Guided Reading books Classroom Libraries Novels Author Studies Picture Books Time For Kids National Geographic
Writing Workshop Writing Process Teacher directs genre, students choose topics Writer’s Notebook “Live life as a writer.”
Writing Workshop Instructional Model is Writing Workshop –Writer’s Notebooks Writing Process is divided into 5 steps: –Prewriting –Drafting –Revising –Editing/proofreading –Publishing Conferences
Types of Writing Descriptive Persuasive Letter Writing Literary Essays News articles Research reports Essays Fiction Portfolio Journaling Personal Narrative
I am so excited to get this school year underway and look forward to partnering with you to help your child grow. Thank you! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you ever have a question or concern. is the most reliable way to reach me. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Communication is essential!