Welcome to Second Grade! Mrs. Caulfield September 17, 2014
About Mrs. Caulfield I live in Pennington with my husband, daughter, and son- Katie (21) and Jim (20) 11 th year teaching at Toll Gate Previously a paraprofessional at Toll Gate My children attended Toll Gate Undergraduate Degrees in Economics and Political Science Lawyer-tax and pension planning
Daily Schedule Morning Meeting & Responsive Classroom Approach Greeting Sharing Building Community Questions and Comments News and Announcements Calendar and Weather Jobs Activity
W.I.N. (What I Need) Students are organized into flexible groups according to their needs. Some students will be pulled out for Tier II reading/phonics instruction. The remainder of the class will work to strengthen independent reading skills.
Language Arts Writers’ Workshop –Expository, Creative, Persuasive –Process Writing –Journaling My Week at School Journal Reading Response Journal –Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Construction Spelling –Fundations Language Program –Word Families –Games, songs, and class work Handwriting –Fundations Handwriting Program
Reading and Literacy Readers’ Workshop –Small Group instruction with leveled reading materials Sight words, word attack strategies, comprehension strategies, oral fluency –Center Activities Reader Response Word Work (Grammar, Phonics, etc.) Spelling Computers (RAZ Kids) Story Structure Comprehension Strategies Independent Reading Partner Reading
Mathematics Everyday Math Program ( “ Chicago Math ” ) “ Spiraling ” Curriculum: Beginning, Developing, and Secure Skills Curriculum Topics Addition and Subtraction Number Stories Place ValuePatterns and Rules Money Fractions TimeMeasurement 3-D & 2-D ShapesDecimals Preliminary Multiplication and Division Pre-assessment Interactive Games to Reinforce Concepts Enrichment Activities and Packets
Social Studies & Science Communities & Map Skills –Lego Communities –“Me on the Map” –Flat Stanley Native Americans - Plains, Southwest, Northwest and Woodland Light and Matter Sun and Moon - Planetarium Field Trip Ecology and Habitats - Habitat play -Camden Aquarium Field trip ALL PROJECT BASED
Special Area Classes Art Gym Media Music Spanish
Special Activities -Lego Community -Flat Stanley Project -Planetarium Field Trip -Native American presentation at the Pennington Library Aquarium Field Trip -Habitat Play -2 nd Grade Picnic -End of Year Writing Celebration
Snacks and Lunch Snacks Approximately 10:15 each day Please avoid snacks with peanuts or tree nuts Please send healthy foods and drinks to provide good energy Birthday Celebrations-Quarterly Water Bottles Please encourage your child to bring a water bottle to keep in his/her cubby for use throughout the day. Lunchtime Lunch from 12:35-1:05 Recess from 1:05 – 1:25 Ice cream may be purchased. Cafeteria Lunch Accounts
Homework Approximately minutes per night Monday through Thursday 15 Minutes of Reading each night –Your Child is responsible for completing reading log each night –Reading logs should stay in homework folder; They are checked by me each Friday morning. Fridays: Parents read My Week At School Journals and write back to child in the journal.
Communication Homework Notebooks Also can check homework on my website:hvrsd.org/staff/m.caulfield Or-just go to TollGate Webpage and find my name under “Teacher Websites” Phone: (609) extension 1018