Virginia Mathematics 2009 Grade 5 Standards of Learning Virginia Department of Education K-12 Mathematics Standards of Learning Institutes October 2009
Major SOL Changes Number and Number Sense Identify and describe the characteristics of prime and composite numbers; and Identify and describe the characteristics of even and odd numbers.
Major SOL Changes Computation and Estimation Find the sum, difference, product, and quotient of two numbers expressed as decimals through thousandths (divisors with only one nonzero digit); and Evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using the order of operations limited to parentheses, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Major SOL Changes Measurement Find perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure; Identify equivalent measurements within the metric system; and Estimate and then measure to solve problems, using U.S. Customary and metric units.
Major SOL Changes Geometry Classify triangles as right, acute, obtuse, equilateral, scalene, or isosceles.
Major SOL Changes Probability and Statistics Describe mean, median, and mode as measures of center; Describe mean as fair share; and Describe the range of a set of data as a measure of variation.
Major SOL Changes Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Model one-step linear equations in one variable, using addition and subtraction; and Investigate and recognize the distributive property of multiplication over addition.
Major Changes Related SOL have been combined to create one SOL with bullets EX: (2001) 5.22 The student will create a problem situation based on a given open sentence using a single variable. [Moved to new SOL 5.18 d] (2009) 5.18 The student will a) investigate and describe the concept of variable; b) write an open sentence to represent a given mathematical relationship, using a variable; c) model one-step linear equations in one variable using addition and subtraction; and d) create a problem situation based on a given open sentence using a single variable.
Major Changes Details on instructional strategies have been removed for potential placement in the Curriculum Framework EX: (2001) 5.7 The student will add and subtract with fractions and mixed numbers, with and without regrouping, and express answers in simplest form. Problems will include like and unlike denominators limited to 12 or less [Move to Curriculum Framework]. (2009) 5.6 The student will solve single and multistep practical problems involving addition and subtraction with fractions and mixed numbers, with and without regrouping, and express answers in simplest form.
Number and Number Sense: Sample Problem: 3/5 + 1/2
Van De Walle, (1994) Sample Problem: 3/5 + 1/2
3/5 + 1/2 6/10 5/10 + = = Van De Walle, (1994) Sample Problem: 3/5 + 1/2
3/5 1/2 + 6/10 5/10 + = = Rewrite 6/10 + 5/10 then add Van De Walle, (1994) Sample Problem: 3/5 + 1/2
Activity: Rectangle Dimensions Using the Dimensions of Rectangles Chart, use Cubes or Tiles to create as many rectangles as possible using the number of cubes listed in the left-hand column.
Table Number Number of cubes or tiles Dimensions of Rectangles FactorsPrime or Composite?
Using the Dimensions of Rectangles Chart, use Cubes or Tiles to create as many rectangles as possible using the number of cubes listed in the left-hand column. As students work with cubes or tiles they are making arrays. The use of arrays is a connection between previous years (3 rd and 4 th grade) and leads into more in-depth work that will follow in 6 th grade. When students create the arrays using the tiles they determine the factors for the given number and define Composite or Prime. Activity: Rectangle Dimensions
Table Number Number of cubes or tiles Dimensions of RectanglesFactorsPrime or Composite? by 13; 13 by 11, 13 Prime by 12; 12 by 1; 2 by 6; 6 by 2; 3 by 4; 4 by 3 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 Composite by 23; 23 by 11, 23 Prime by 24; 24 by 1; 2 by 12; 12 by 2; 3 by 8; 8 by 3; 4 by 6; 6 by 4 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 Composite by 29; 29 by 11, 29 Prime 67 1 by 7; 7 by 11, 7 Prime 78 1 by 8; 8 by 1; 2 by 4; 4 by 21, 2, 4, 8 Composite by 11; 11 by 11, 11 Prime 99 1 by 9; 3 by 3; 9 by 11, 3, 9 Composite by 17; 17 by 11, 17 Prime by 18; 18 by 1; 2 by 9; 9 by 2; 3 by 6; 6 by 3 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18 Composite by 27; 3 by 9; 9 by 3; 27 by 11, 3, 9, 27 Composite
Measurement: Materials: Number Generators, Recording Sheets Lesson Procedure: Begin the lesson with a review of area and perimeter concepts. Students will work in pairs to play the game “Rolling Rectangles”. Directions for the game: Roll two dice. Use the numbers as the dimensions (length and width) of a rectangle. Sketch the rectangle on grid paper and label the dimensions, area, and perimeter. Enter the area or perimeter of your rectangle as your “score” in one of the spaces on the recording sheet. If neither the area nor the perimeter will fit a category, enter it in the “CHANCE” space (if available) or enter a zero score in the space of your choice. Alternate rolls for 10 turns. If you are able to enter a score in all categories (not zero), score 10 extra points. Find the total points. Highest score wins! Rolling Rectangles Game Standard of Learning 5.8
Geometry Instructional activity Place students into groups of three to four, and distribute straws, yarn, and number cubes to each group. Demonstrate to students how the ends of straws must meet to form a triangle. Thread a sample together and tie to create a triangle. Have the students toss three number generators and determine whether they can form a triangle with straws whose lengths match the numbers thrown. If so, have them thread the three straws together with yarn or string and tie to form the triangle. Distribute the recording sheet to students, and explain how to record results as they conduct the experiment. Tell them to wait to complete triangle-type section. Instruct students to create as many possible triangles that they can in the allotted time. After students have had time to conduct several trials, lead a classroom discussion on results. Types of Triangles Standard of Learning 5.12b
Probability and Statistics How Much Are you Worth? We are going to make a human stem and leaf graph. Calculate the worth of their name if A=1, B=2, and so on. Write the value of your name on a sheet of paper in large, dark print. Tear the paper dividing the number between the ones and the tens. On the floor there will be a stem-and-leaf graph using yarn. Come to the graph with your data. Arrange yourselves in order correctly on the graph. (from least to greatest in the corresponding tens row)
Where do I stand? Stand next to the tens digit that would represent their data and hold the ones digit on the leaf side of the graph. For Example: –My name is Beth and my name is worth 35 points. Stem (Tens) Leaf (Ones) 0 tens 1 ten 2 tens 3 tens35 (I would stand here) 4 tens
Organizing our Information Share conclusions … –Describe your individual interpretations of the data. Next steps might include: –drawing the stem and leaf plot and calculating the mean. –asking the students to determine what the a typical person’s name is worth.
Where do I stand? Extension Using the same stem and leaf plot that was created in the “Where do I Stand?” activity lead students into “Describing the range, mean, mode, and median of the data?” Standard of Learning 5.16 Stem (Tens) Leaf (Ones) 0 tens 1 ten 2 tens 3 tens33 (I would stand here) 4 tens
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra We know from studying multiplication tables that 5 × 12 = 60. Look at the pictures and see how the same problem can be solved very easily!
= 5 X 10=50 5 X 2=10 5 X 12 5 x 12 = 5 × 10 = × 2 = 10 Each 12 is We multiply the tens and ones separately and then add: 5 × 12 = (5 × 10) + (5 × 2) = = 60