BY: David Are we able to look at this Presentation?? Will, why not?? YA!! Welcome to David’s Presentation!!!
The basic things about Zambezi River!! 1.The length is about 3,574km(1,599mi). 2.The basin is about1,390,000 km² (536,682 sq mi). 3.The elevation is about 1,500 m (4,921 ft). 4.The discharge is about 3,400 m3/s (120,070 cu ft/s) Zambezi river is so enormous!!!!! COOL!!!
Which countries did Zambezi river go through?? The countries that go through are: 1.Zambia 2.DR Congo 3.Angola 4.Namibia 5.Botswana 6.Zimbabwe 7.Mozambique 8.Malawi 9.Tanzania Zambezi River is the forth longest river in Africa, did you know that???
A map about the Zambezi River Zambezi River Part of Zambezi River
Dams & Waterfalls There are two dams named : Kariba & Cahoro Dams. There are fourteen Waterfalls: Hey Let’s check it out!!
Waterfalls Nature Park Floodplains
Look at us!!
How is the pollution cause? The pollution cause like this: Dangerous levels of bacteria have been found in the backwaters of the Zambezi river, where fish have been found recently suffering from an unknown and apparently fatal disease. Scientists in Namibia, Zambia and Botswana have begun testing the waters of Africa's fourth-largest river, which flows from Namibia into the Indian Ocean, supporting around 40 million people along the way. In Namibia, results showed high levels of E.coli, salmonella and coliforms, which are indicators for other disease-causing microbes. One scientist warned that people were in danger of contracting by so germs. Fishermen there began reporting serious sores on fish in early October, affecting up to four out of five fish caught. Results from Zambia and Botswana have not yet been reported. OH!! That’s cool!!! OOO!!!
Bye!!! We will miss you !!!
I like to move it move it!