Infectious Disease Chapter 21
Infectious disease: (also called communicable) Infectious diseases are caused by (micro)/organisms or viruses that enter the body and multiply. Not all microorganisms are harmful or cause disease. Some are helpful and essential for good health Pathogens (germs): microorganisms and viruses that cause disease
Pathogens (disease causing organisms) Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protozoa
Bacteria Single celled organisms found everywhere Treated with antibiotics to kill or control growth Good and bad types Bacterial infections: tetanus, TB, strept throat, sinus infection, staph, cholera, anthrax
Virus Extremely small organism Can’t cure with medicine Some preventable through vaccines Viral infections: cold, flu, chicken pox, warts, cold sores, West Nile, hepatitis
Fungus Relies on other living or dead organisms to survive Includes yeast, molds, mildew Include: athletes foot, ringworm, jock itch, yeast infections
Protozoa An organism that uses other living things like, your body, for food and a place to live. Protozoa are single celled parasites Diseases include: tapeworm, malaria, and amebic dysentery, trichina worm (pork)
MRSA Methicillian Resistant Staphyloccus Aureus A deadly strain of bacteria that’s becoming resistant to common antibiotics Infects 90,000 Americans a year and is increasing Kills 19,000 Americans a year Symptoms include: warm and tender skin, sores, boils, draining puss, redness, swelling, and high fever Left untreated can destroy muscle tissue and lead to life threatening infections in bones and vital organs In the past, it was typically acquired in the hospitals Becoming very common in homes, schools, locker rooms, and health clubs Athletes are at higher risk because of their environment and physical contact in their sport
Protecting Yourself From MRSA Cover cuts and open sores Wash hands with warm soapy water often Clean surfaces and other areas with bleach solutions Be vigilant with doctors In the gym: Don’t share items like towels or razors Cover cuts, scraps, and sores Don’t go barefoot in locker room or showers – wear flip flops Shower immediately after gym or locker room Wash gym clothes to kill bacteria instead of putting back in locker
How Pathogens are Spread Infected People: direct contact with person like shaking hands, other bodily contact, and kissing or indirectly like coughing or sneezing where the pathogens are airborne. Contaminated Objects (fomite): some pathogens can survive for a period of time on objects such as door knobs, towels, needles, and glasses
Infected Animal: animal that are infected can pass disease through bites. Examples include malaria, West Nile, lyme disease, and rabies Contaminated Food & Water: Some pathogens are naturally present in food and soil. Proper food preparation can prevent disease. Contaminated water is a another big source of disease like cholera and hepatitis A.
Defense Against Infectious Disease
Physical Barriers Help keep germs from entering the body Skin: keep germs from getting in body and sheds taking germs with it. Sweat acts as chemical barrier which contains acids that kill many bacteria. Hair and Cilia: tiny hairs around eyes and nose trap germs. Cilia are tiny hairs that line mucus membranes like in your air passages. They move pathogens out back out of your airway. Saliva &Tears: trap pathogens and wash them away. They also contain chemicals that attack pathogens. Mucus: sticky substance that trap germs found in your nose and other areas that have openings. Digestive System: chemicals like acid in your stomach that kill many pathogens
Internal Defense The Immune System Battles the germs that get by the physical barriers. Consists of different cells and antibodies that engulf and destroy germs Important to keep our immune system strong through a healthy diet, plenty of rest, and stress management.
Prevention tips to minimize transmission of germs Keep contact to a minimum with those who have a cold When you come close to someone who has a cold, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible Keep hands and fingers away from nose, mouth and eyes Don’t share food, drinking glasses or eating utensils Wash plates, glasses, silverware in hot soapy water after each use Get plenty of rest and eat healthy, dress appropriately for weather, and manage stress to strengthen immune system Vaccinations