O U R M I S S I O N To assist the Church to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples by using and making available mass media to: Proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible, Instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living, Model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships To assist the Church to fulfill the command of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all peoples by using and making available mass media to: Proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible, Instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living, Model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships
O U R V I S I O N To reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced. To reach the world for Christ by mass media so that lasting fruit is produced. “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit...” – John 15:5 “Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit...” – John 15:5
A Clear Focus TWR has distinguished itself by: Creating the most far-reaching Christian radio network in the world for reaching the unreached and unengaged. Proclaiming the Word worldwide in more than 190 languages and dialects. Enabling and equipping national producers to create compelling programming firmly rooted in biblical truth.
A Clear Focus TWR has distinguished itself by: Collaborating with ministries across the globe to develop, train and strengthen church leaders. Working together with new believers to start and grow churches nurtured by God’s Word. Partnering with ministries and churches on the ground to provide post-broadcast teaching and counseling services.
Urgent in a Changing World Proclaiming the gospel has never been more critical Today’s ravages of war, desperation and disease reveal the urgency of delivering God’s Word to those who need Him. The healing voice of Jesus Christ is the only cure.
Reaching the World With God’s Word Local Broadcasting (AM & FM) International Broadcasting (Shortwave and high-powered AM) Satellite
Through Focused media Internet Turning Listener Groups into Worshipping Communities
Extending the Reach of God’s Word To All Who Yearn To Hear His Unchanging Message
Extending the Reach of God’s Word To All Who Yearn To Hear His Unchanging Message
Planting Churches, Changing Lives TWR’s dedication to the Great Commission guides our effort to provide first-rate discipleship and leadership training initiatives.
Planting Churches, Changing Lives Urgent Priorities to Build Church Leadership through 2010 Assist in planting 20,000 or more churches through leadership development broadcasts and materials assistance Develop relationships with 200,000 or more churches by creating collaborative programs in native languages Provide in-depth training to pastors and lay leaders without access to readily available discipleship materials “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19
Few people realize that there are almost 3 billion young people under the age of 25! Over 1.8 billion of them are under the age of 15.* Shaping the Future with God’s Word *U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base, 2004
Shaping the Future with God’s Word Urgent Priorities to Meet the Needs of Children and Youth Through 2010 Expand TWR’s ability to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to 200 million more children and youth through radio broadcasts, church leadership training and Internet ministries
Suicide, sexual slavery and abortion are tragedies that disproportionately victimize women. TWR’s programming reaches millions of women worldwide with a message of hope and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Ministering to Families with God’s Word
These statistics are astonishing: 45 million women outside the U.S. abort their unborn children every year* 66 percent of the world’s non-literate are women (580 million women)** 56 percent of women committing suicide live in China (500 women per day)*** 70 percent of the world’s poor are women (1.2 billion women)**** *Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1999 **UNFPA, 2000 ***Action/AID nternational, 2003 ****World Health Organization, 2002
Ministering to Families with God’s Word Urgent Priorities to Meet the Needs of Women and Families Through 2010 Reach out to 100 million women with the gospel’s message of respect for all human life, dignity and self-worth
Deplorable health conditions facing millions of the world’s poor often make it difficult for them to be concerned with spiritual development. Ministering to the Sick with God’s Word
Urgent Priorities for Confronting HIV/AIDS and Other Health Issues Through 2010 Present the Good News to a predominately illiterate audience Clearly address HIV/AIDS prevention, emotional and cultural issues from a biblical perspective
Even as the world becomes increasingly dependent upon modern communication technologies, the majority of cultures remain connected only through the spoken word.. Connecting the World’s Oral Societies with God’s Word
Oral societies across the globe More than 4,000 languages have no translated Scripture at all!* At least 1.5 billion people have never been introduced to reading and writing in any form* Women make up 66 percent of all oral communicators** 52 percent of all oral communicators live in India and China**
50 percent of all oral communicators are minority language speakers** Connecting the World’s Oral Societies with God’s Word Oral societies across the globe More than 50 percent of the world’s population prefers oral communication to pass on values and truths* *International Mission Board, Southern Baptist Convention, 2004 ** UNESCO, 2001
Radio remains the most universally available broadcast medium but new technologies are creating unprecedented opportunities to share the Good News with vast new audiences. Connecting the World’s Oral Societies with God’s Word Extending the Reach of God’s Word
Expand TWR’s ability to share God’s love with unreached and unengaged areas of the world through: Urgent Priorities for Extending the Reach of God’s Word Through 2010 Improving TWR’s Internet presence to include more languages and interactive engagement Expand and upgrade radio broadcast coverage Providing additional training to TWR staff for leadership development
TWR’s clear vision of reaching all of the world for Christ will only be accomplished with the prayers and support of God’s people.
T W R ’ S G L O B A L P L A N Please consider partnering with TWR to support the worldwide effort to bring the light and life of God’s truth to millions. Your generous gifts make it all possible. Reaching the world for Christ includes you! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” – Hebrews 13:8