WHAT ARE ACADEMIC STANDARDS? 2 Standards are what students need to learn in each grade and subject area in school. For example – 3 rd grade students are expected to be able to solve word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Each state develops its own standards. Arizona has had state standards since the 1990s.
WHY DO WE HAVE STANDARDS? 3 So every student and every teacher knows what the student needs to learn that year. So every student, no matter where they go to school, should be taught the same thing. So we – as a state – can make sure our students are learning what we want them to learn.
SO WHY CHANGE STANDARDS? 4 Students all across the United States – including here in Arizona – are not learning the same amount or same skills as kids around the world. Our standards are lower that many other countries. Because each state has its own standards, students who move from state to state are being taught different things at different times.
THEN WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? 5 Raising the standards We know our students are as smart as anyone in the world. The new standards are set at the same level as other top countries, so our students will learn the same amount and same skills as others. Sharing the standards 46 states and DC (including Arizona) are all using these new standards, so if a student moves around, he/she will still get the same high-level of instruction.
WHAT ARE THESE NEW STANDARDS? 6 Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards are the new academic standards in Math and English/Language Arts. They were developed by education experts and teachers from many states. The goal of these standards is to make sure all students graduate from high school ready for college and/or their career.
WHAT DO PARENTS NEED TO KNOW? 7 Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards will change what work in the classroom looks like More discussion More projects Higher expectations for students AIMS will go away There will be a new test in
WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT TO BE DIFFERENT IN THE CLASSROOM? 8 The focus will be different Students will have to understand and be able to explain concepts. For example: In addition to knowing how TO DO math, students now have to understand the WHY behind math What kids are doing will be different Fewer worksheets, more projects Tests will be different The new test will ask students to explain why they are doing what they are doing
EXAMPLE OF NEW TYPE OF WORK 9 Learning fractions: Old way – teachers give students steps to take and the students practice New way – students have to use materials and number lines to understand how big fractions are and they have to explain why 1/2 is bigger than 1/3 Writing Old way – “explain how this story makes you feel” New way – “explain why you think the main character made the decision he/she did using examples from the text”
EXAMPLE OF NEW TEST QUESTION 10 In 3 rd grade reading: Old question – one multiple choice question asking the student to identify the main idea New question – two part question: Part A What is one main idea of “How Animals Live?” a. There are many types of animals on the planet. b. Animals need water to live. c. There are many ways to sort different animals. d. Animals begin their life cycles in different forms. Part B Which detail from the article best supports your answer to Part A? a. “Animals get oxygen from air or water." b. "Animals can be grouped by their traits." c. "Worms are invertebrates." d. "All animals grow and change over time." e. "Almost all animals need water, food, oxygen, and shelter to live."
HOW WILL THE NEW STANDARDS IMPACT MY CHILD? 11 Your child will be held to the same expectations as students across the country. Your child will have to meet higher expectations, but when he/she graduates from high school, he/she will be prepared to go to college or go into the workforce. Your child will have the skills to be competitive with anyone around the world for jobs.
WHEN IS THIS HAPPENING? 12 Final transition year – all classrooms should be following Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards First full year – new standards fully in place and the new tests start
WHAT ARE WE DOING AS A DISTRICT? 13 Describe professional development for teachers Describe interventions for students Describe changes in curriculum
WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP MY CHILD GET READY? 14 A few easy steps to start with: Ask your child to explain why he or she is doing what he or she is doing, especially in math. Encourage your child to read nonfiction – like newspaper articles. Then ask your child to explain why what they read is important. Talk to your child’s teacher to find out what your child needs to work on to be ready.
FOR EXAMPLE 15 No matter what your child is reading, you can ask them these questions about it: What is the main idea? How do you know? What does this remind you of? How is it similar or different to something you have read before? Why did the main event in the text happen? What do you think is going to happen next? What new words did you learn? What do they mean?
ANOTHER EXAMPLE 16 Do you remember when your child was young and they always wanted to know why something was the way it was? Now it is your turn! Ask your child why they want to do something, why something is the way it is, why something they believe is true is true and have them explain it to you, with examples and evidence!
EVERY SITUATION CAN BE A WORD PROBLEM! 17 The next time you are at the grocery store, ask your child to tell you which product is the better deal between two different brands. Have them explain why. Work on a budget with your child – show them how to make important decisions with money. When you are cooking, have your child double recipes or cut them in half. Have them figure out what you need based on how many people will be eating.
BOTTOM LINE 18 Learning Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards will mean a different kind of learning and more difficult material. But you can help your student! Take every opportunity you can to make your child really think – you are helping them become better students! And most of all – talk to your child’s teachers. Ask them what your child needs to be doing to be prepared!