Spanish Classes At EHS
¿ Por qué estudias español? Porque es ¡ DIVERTIDO!
Desfile de Moda Create a Fashion Show in Spanish II
Spanish Level 1 Learning Essentials Students will learn to communicate using the following thematic vocabulary…….. Countries and their locations Basic phrases Numbers 1 – 100 School City/transportation Food/restaurant Family
Grammatical structures: Subject pronouns Noun genders/adjective agreement Present tense verb conjugation interrogatives/word order for present tense questions The verb ir & future construction (ir+a+infinitive) Possessive Adjectives ser vs estar
Field Trips Spanish I Festival of Nations 2 nd Semester in May
Spanish Level 2 Learning Essentials Students will learn to communicate using the following thematic vocabulary…….. *Clothing & Body parts *Holidays & weather *Months, days, dates *Numbers 100 – 1,000 *Sports and activities *House, rooms & Kitchen items
Grammatical Structures Direct object pronouns Stem changing verbs & tener & venir Gustar Beginning level past tense Demonstratives Present progressive tense Intermediate level of present tense verb conjugation
Field Trips Spanish II Festival of Nations 2 nd Semester in May
Spanish III Learning Essentials Advance level of verb definitions Increase vocabulary knowledge Students will practice “real-life” communications using verbal and nonverbal in the Spanish language. Restaurant & advance food vocabulary Daily routine vocabulary
Grammatical Structures * Advance level of stem changing and irregular verbs in the present tense. * Master Ser and Estar usage in sentences and conversations * Advance questions in sentences and conversations. * Intermediate level of regular preterite tense * Beginning level of all irregular verbs in the preterite tense & expressions * Advance level word order in present tense sentences
Spanish III Field Trips & Activities Visit a Spanish restaurant Cook Spanish Food
Spanish IV Quarter 1 Learning Essentials Airplane Airport vocabulary Advance daily vocabulary Students will practice “real-life” communications using verbal and nonverbal in the Spanish language. Airport skit
Grammar Structures Advance level of preterite versus imperfect tenses and expressions Intermediate level of all verbs in the preterite tense Intermediate level of IDOP, DOP and DDOP object pronouns Intermediate level of Tú commands Beginning level of Formal commands Beginning level of Por and Para uses. Advance level of Imperfect tense & expressions
IMPORTANT INFORMATION! You DO NOT have to take quarter 1 Spanish IV before quarter 2!
Spanish IV Quarter 2 Learning Essentials Students will practice “real-life” communications using verbal and nonverbal in the Spanish language. Hotel Vocabulary Car/transportation Vocabulary Computer/technology in the Spanish language Hotel skit News broadcast
Grammar Structures Beginning level of Future tense Beginning level of the present perfect tense Beginning level of Subjunctive tense
Why take 4 years of Spanish? Take a FREE advance placement exam at the college level. What does that give you? Opportunity to receive retroactive credit. 8 credits for the price of 4
Advantages of 4 years of Spanish What does that mean? If you test into a 200 level Spanish class or higher at your college & receive a grade of a B or higher (depending on the college) You could SAVE $800 dollars or MORE!
Advantages of taking Spanish Taking as much Spanish as possible in high school can SAVE YOU! TIME! & MONEY! In college
Careers Medical fieldLaw Enforcement BusinessTravel Industry EducationFarming MilitaryGovernment Anyone who can speak Spanish is more employable & has a distinct advantage over someone who can not.