GMOD: Building Blocks for a Model Organism System Database Lincoln Stein, CSHL
What’s a MOD? u Model Organism Database u Repository for reagents –Stocks, vectors, clones –Genetic & physical maps u Large-scale data sets –Genome –EST sets, microarray results, 2-cell hybrid interactions u Literature u Ontologies & Nomenclature u Meetings, announcements
The GMOD Project u Portable, open source software to support model organism databases u Multiple MODs involved –Worm, fly, yeast, mouse, arabidopsis, rat, monocot, [fugu], [E. coli] u Funded by NIH as of June 2002 –Programmers, coordinator, quarterly meetings
GMOD Home Page
The GMOD Pyramid Open Source DBMS & Middleware Modular Schema Modular Applications
Apollo – BDGP & Sanger Center
PubSearch – TAIR & RatDB
CMap – Gramene
Cmap – Multiple Maps
GBrowse – WormBase
GBrowse – Zoomed In
GBrowse – Zoomed Way In
GBrowse – Zoomed Way Way In
GBrowse – Keyword Search
GBrowse – Reports
GBrowse – Third Party Annotations
GBrowse – Multilanguage Support
Extensively Customizable u End-user –Turn tracks on and off, change order, change packing & labeling attributes (stored in cookie) u Data provider –Change fonts, colors, text. –Change overview – genetic map, contigs, coverage, karyotype. –Define new tracks using simple config file. –Tinker with track appearance to hearts content.
Adding a New Track (a) Create a GFF file named “deletions.gff” Chr1 targeted deletion Deletion d101k2 Chr1 targeted deletion Deletion d680k2 Chr2 targeted deletion Deletion d007k2 (b) Run the script > –d example_database deletions.gff Loading features… Done. 3 features loaded. (c) Add a new track “stanza” to the gbrowse configuration file [Knockout] feature = deletion glyph = span fgcolor = red key = Knockouts link = citation = These are deletion knockouts produced by the example knockout consortium (
Extensively Extensible Apache Web Server gbrowse CGI script BioPerl library Bio::DB::GFF adaptor Chado adaptor MySQL/Postgres Plugins Bio::Graphics library Oracle Oracle adaptorFlat File adaptor Flat Files Glyphs
GBrowse on GenBank? Apache Web Server gbrowse CGI script BioPerl library Plugins Bio::Graphics library Glyphs GenBank Proxy Adaptor GenBank GBrowse on GenBank! Bio::DB::GFF adaptor MySQL
B. burgdorferi via GenBank proxy
Who is Using GBrowse? u GMOD Members –WormBase, FlyBase, RatDB u HGMP-RC Fugu genomics group u KEGG (multiple microorganisms) u Ingenium AG (mouse) u Bristoll-Myers Squibb (drosophila) u Texas A&M University (salmonella) u Institute of Systems Biology (human)
Coming Soon to u Biopipe – genome annotation pipeline u Insertional mutagenesis analysis pipeline u Tree browser u Pathway browsers u Generic MOD web site framework
Joining GMOD u Go to u Examine software matrix u Find a project or suggest new one u Contact Scott Cain: –Or mail
Credits CSHL Adrian Arva Shuly Avraham Scott Cain Ken Clark Allen Day BDGP Nomi Harris Suzanna Lewis Chris Mungall John Richter ShengQiang Shu Colin Weil EBI Michele Clamp Stephen Searle Carnegie Institute Sue Rhee Danny Yoo Harvard David Emmert Stan Letovsky