RED | the new Profitably Reducing Carbon Emissions in Maine Presentation to Governor Baldacci’s Energy Efficiency Summit Thomas R. Casten Chairman, Recycled Energy Development, LLC April 3, 2008
RED | the new Thoughts on Global Warming Global Warming threatens life as we know it. Overwhelming evidence that human actions are causing climate change. Conventional wisdom assumes energy system is optimal. We know this is not true Electricity is protected from competition, but pundits assume free market principles prevail. We know this is not true The world must improve electric generation efficiency to mitigate climate change
RED | the new Presentation Summary: Profitably Mitigating Climate Change Describe economic and environmental inefficiency of electric generation Show how to reduce US carbon emissions by 20% and save $70 billion/year Describe Recycled Energy Development’s Approach Propose Maine Actions to promote profitable greenhouse gas reductions
RED | the new Homer Simpson’s Power Plant (Springfield, ?)
RED | the new Electric Generation Plant (Craig, CO) Two-thirds of the fuel’s energy is vented to atmosphere.
RED | the new U.S. Delivered Electric Efficiency Wasted Energy Excess Costs Excess Pollution Inefficient US Electric Generation Related Headlines: Energy Costs Push Consumer Prices Higher” -Associated Press “US Manufacturing Jobs Fading Away Fast” -USA Today “Recent Warming of Arctic may Affect World Climate” -NASA
RED | the new Electric Generation’s Increasing Contribution to Domestic CO 2 Emissions US Electric Power Sector’s CO 2 Emissions
RED | the new US Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2005 Breakdown of Emitting Sources: Heat & Power; 69% of all fossil fuel CO 2 emissions
RED | the new U.S. Electric System Efficiency Since 1960 Pollution Fuel 100 units Power Plant = 67 units Waste Energy 33 units Electricity End User Waste Heat Transmission Line Losses 3 units (9.0%)
RED | the new Combined Heat and Power Options Pollution Recycle Waste Heat CHP Plant End User Site 33 units Waste Energy = 66 units Useful Work 33 units Electricity 33 units Thermal Energy Fuel 100 units
RED | the new Recycling Industrial Energy Even Better Electricity Steam Hot Water End User Site Energy Recycling Plant Electricity Process Fuel Finished Goods Waste Energy Saved Energy Input
RED | the new US Energy Recycling Potential EPA and DOE studies identify 200,000 megawatts CHP & waste energy recycling potential (750,000 MW US peak load) Capital investment of $350 billion Society could save $70 billion per year Energy Recycling can profitably eliminate 20% of U.S. CO 2 emissions (1.4 of the 7.2 gigatons)
RED | the new CHALLENGE & OPPORTUNITY ~$70 billion potential energy savings if U.S. returned to 1920s model 1.4 gigaton GHG reduction/year U.S. Grid is Less Efficient than 100 Years Ago
RED | the new US Energy Recycling (CHP) Potential EPA and DOE studies identify 200,000 megawatts CHP & waste energy recycling potential Capital investment of $350 billion Society could save $70 billion per year Profitably eliminate 1.4 gigatons of CO 2 emissions Many other benefits including: Improve manufacturing competitiveness, add jobs Reduce need for transmission wires Reduce vulnerability to extreme weather and terrorists Improve balance of payments
RED | the new Examples of Local Generation Projects that Recycle Waste Energy Projects RED and its predecessor companies have developed
RED | the new U.S. Delivered Electric Efficiency Efficiencies of Energy Recycling Projects Steam Pressure Recovery (190 Projects) Combined Heat & Power (56 Projects) Industrial Waste Heat Recovery (6 Projects)
RED | the new 95 MW Recycled from Coke Production (Gary, IN)
RED | the new Silicon Production, Alloy WV Plant uses 135 MW $60 million investment Recycles exhaust into 44 megawatts Plant will use power to expand production by 20% We are taking silicon production back from China!
RED | the new Operating Maine Projects by RED Subsidiary Turbosteam Livermore Falls, ME 2002 2,980 kW 4,713 tons CO 2 saved annually Colby College Waterville, ME 1998 600 kW 480 tons CO 2 saved annually Huhtamaki Waterville, ME 2004 605 kW 1,043 tons CO 2 saved annually
RED | the new Potential Clean Energy Project: University of Maine at Orono Profitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions by recycling waste energy with a backpressure steam turbine. The University currently generates steam at 150 psig and distributes at 50 psig A Turbosteam backpressure steam turbine could generate 684 kW of electricity for roughly 3 cents per kWh and avoid 540 tons per year of CO 2/ year RED offers greater savings and emission reductions could by replacing oil boilers with biomass Project delayed by interconnection agreement with Bangor Hydro
RED | the new RED’s Goals with Respect to Climate Change Mitigation Deploy $1.5 billion to profitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions Cause a societal ‘tipping point’, with public demanding removal of all barriers to efficiency Change the debate from “Who pays to mitigate climate change?” to “How can we induce profitable climate change mitigation?”
RED | the new Maine Actions to Spur Profitable Carbon Reduction Enact a Clean Energy Standard Offer Program (CESOP) Allow all clean energy to qualify for Maine renewable portfolio standard rules Remove barriers to efficiency Treat clean energy projects as ‘Pollution Control’ devices for environmental permitting
RED | the new Clean Energy Standard Offer (CESOP) Calculate delivered cost of electricity from best new base load central electric-only plant Include generation and T&D capital amortization, fuel & O&M, line losses, utility profits and expected carbon costs Offer 20 year contracts for CESOP power at 80% of the delivered cost from the best new base load central station. Define ‘Clean Energy’ as all power plants with 60% or better annual fossil efficiency, and include power from recycling waste energy Contract for up to projected 10-year net load growth Distribution utility keeps retail load, but buys power Distribution utility designs and installs interconnection to Clean Energy Projects, puts capital in rate base.
RED | the new CESOP Advantages Guarantees improved efficiency - requires 60% overall efficiency versus 33% grid average Guarantees savings – contract prices 80% of delivered cost of new central generation But calculation includes full avoided long run marginal costs, including transmission, line losses and carbon Utility keeps customers and its historic profits from distribution of electricity No standby rates to slow or discourage Clean Energy Utility manages interconnection at their expense, adds to rate base, just like central generation
RED | the new Effects of CESOP Induces power industry to build clean energy plants of all types Government does not pick technology or fuel, just forces economic and environmental efficiency Gives local clean energy projects benefit of low cost financing, comparable to financing costs of less efficient central plants All renewable energy qualifies along with all projects that recycle industrial waste energy Maine never builds another inefficient electric-only fossil fueled plant unless CESOP response falls short of needs.
RED | the new Possible Objections to CESOP Some clean energy projects will make extraordinary profits. Public can cry all the way to the bank Fossil fueled CHP could push out more expensive renewable projects CESOP keeps economic pressure on all technologies to reduce costs and at least double fossil efficiency The distribution utilities cannot control generation This is a soluble technical problem, worth the gain in efficiency
RED | the new Other Actions to Speed Clean Energy Deployment in Maine Broaden Maine RPS to all clean energy Include all power from renewable energy sources and all power that meets ‘clean energy’ definition in RPS and rename ‘Clean Energy Portfolio Standard” Strengthen percentages of Clean Energy required, but include new power under CESOP contract Treat clean energy project as a ‘pollution control’ permit application for environmental approvals, greatly reducing time and cost of developing projects
RED | the new Thank You