Reading Six Comprehension Strategies »Visualizing »Connections »Summarizing »Questioning »Inferring »Synthesizing Nonfiction comprehension strategies and structures Language »Nouns, pronouns, proper nouns, adjectives, Verbs, adverbs, articles and conjunctions Sources »Novels »Basal Readers »TFK »Newspaper »Picture books »Internet »Reference Materials
Additional Reading Interactive Read Alouds »Silent reading Reading for enjoyment »LLC book »Book from home »Wheaton Public Library book »Appropriately leveled »Each classroom teacher decides how often and how long this will take place per week »Comprehension strategies reviewed
SpellingSpelling Tests are given weeklyTests are given weekly Homework will be used as weekly reviewHomework will be used as weekly review Student responsibility in mastering spelling wordsStudent responsibility in mastering spelling words
Writing Three types covered throughout the year: »Narrative »Informational »Opinion Preparation for ISAT: »Written response to Reading »Written response to math using problem solving strategies Skills: »Transition into 5-paragraph writing »Writer’s Workshop / Graphic organizers »Written Language including Poetry
Math Timed tests »Multiplication and Division »Nightly fact practice initiative =10 minutes per night - 3 minute timed test given Fridays Curriculum –Common Core Curriculum »Operations and algebraic thinking »Number and operations in base ten »Number and operations -Fractions »Measurement and data »Geometry »Problem Solving for ISAT
Science Main units Scientific Method & AT HOME Science Project Cells and microscopes Adaptations & Classification-Mrs. Saporito Plants- Mrs. Clapp Human Body- Ms. Kennard Animal Kingdoms & Ecosystems-Ms. Queen Health/Family Living Unit Film shown last Friday in May Boys and girls separate when viewing the film
Social Studies Map Skills States and Regions Government / citizenship Revolutionary War Civil War Time For Kids (TFK)/ Current events
Homework 45 minutes nightly (including all reading, worksheets, math, and projects) Get It Done Club (GIDC) »At recess »Monitored by 4 th and 5 th grade teachers »Note sent home that MUST be signed and returned »Kids do not have to miss entire recess
Assignment Notebook and Portfolios Organizational tool »Return daily Communication tool »Daily assignments »Long-term projects »Parent-teacher dialogue »Parent-student discussions
Take a Peek! Biography PostersScience Experiments GenresState PowerPoints
Debby Lawson, Librarian –Genre Study/ bookmarks- Create Word table, clip art, typing –Biography Poster-research, Word Art, clip art, import photos –National Park Tour- Research Photo Story 3 –State PowerPoint-research, PowerPoint and oral presentation skills Technology »PowerPoint »Movie maker »Word processing »Research Projects/Technology
Special Schedule Lunch: 12N-12:25 Recess: 12:25 – 12:55 Music: 25 minutes Art: 45 minutes Library: 30 minutes »Saporito: Wednesday »Clapp: Wednesday »Kennard: Friday »Queen: Thursday P.E.: 20 minutes Computer: research, reinforcement tool
Contact »Best policy! Assignment Notebooks Newsletters »Each week »Posted on the Lincoln website
Expectations for incoming fourth graders! Handout coming home: –Social –Academic –Work habits Distributed in your child’s classroom!
Thank you! Ms. Queen Mrs. Saporito Aide: Mrs. Bernhagen Mrs. Clapp Aide: Mrs. Lee Ms. Kennard