School Travel Plan Team Integrated Transport Environmental Services Dept County Hall Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3AG Dear pupils, We would like to set you a.


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Presentation transcript:

School Travel Plan Team Integrated Transport Environmental Services Dept County Hall Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3AG Dear pupils, We would like to set you a challenge to write a song about how to Travel Smart on your journey to school. The message of your song should explain why it is good to travel that way and how to make the journey safely. We hope you find the information in this presentation useful to help begin writing your songs. It would be brilliant if you could record your songs, upload them to your school website and then send us the web link. We look forward to hearing from you! The School Travel Plan Team

Move to the groove of Travel Smart beat!

Travelling by foot helps to keep you fit! Get your muscles working and walk, hop, skip, jump or run to school! Travel with a buddy or in a group. Being outside and active in all that fresh air gets oxygen into your body to help your brain work super fast!

People powered wheels get you geared up for the day. Riding your bike can help you get active. Scooting, blading and boarding are also great ways to keep fit.

Let the bus take the load Buses help to reduce traffic jams. On average a bus can carry the same number of people as thirty cars!

Help keep the school gates traffic free If it’s too far to walk all the way, park away from school and walk the last distance in.

One full car is better than two half empty. estimate there are 10 million empty car seats on the road everyday! Why not try and arrange with your friends parents if you could car share.

Most cars, buses and other vehicles, burn fuel which produces a gas called carbon dioxide. (CO 2 ) You can help reduce your Carbon Footprint when you Travel Smart.

Many scientists think that too much carbon dioxide is damaging the planet, causing the climate to change. This is your carbon footprint. A carbon footprint shows how much carbon dioxide is produced every time you travel in a vehicle. So when you Travel Smart you are helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

Get people moving and grooving to the sound of your Travel Smart beat!