Content: Mozambique - General Information Management of Water Resources – Institutional Framework Surface Water Resources in Mozambique – International Rivers Zambezi River Basin – Present Situation Ongoing Initiatives Areas of Intervention – Short and Long Term Strategy DNA
DNA Mozambique - General Information Location – Southern part of the East African Coast. Area of 799,380 Km2 and 2,470 Km of coastline. Population – 16 million inhabitants (1997). The majority live along the coast. Official language – Portuguese. Administrative division – 10 provinces. Maputo is the capital city.
DNA Mozambique - General Information Member of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) consisting of Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Development Sectors - food security, land and agriculture; water, infrastructure and services; industry, trade, investment, and finance; human resources and development; science and technology; natural resources and the environment; social welfare, information, and culture.
DNA Management of Water Resources Institutional Framework MOPH/DNA – National Directorate for Water is responsible for the overall management of water resources (policies, strategies, laws) ARA’s – Southern region, Central region, Zambeze, Central-Northern and Northern region (institutions responsible for the operational management of water resources of a specific region) ARA-Zambeze- Regional Water Authority for the Zambezi Basin
Surface Water Resources in Mozambique International Rivers (1) Surface Water – Main source of water 13 Main rivers – 9 International Rivers More than 50% of surface water are cross border flows Mozambique is the most downstream country in all the international river basins (with exception of Rovuma) Torrential Regime – high levels (3 – 4 months) and low flow in the remaining part of the year DNA
Surface Water Resources in Mozambique International Rivers (2) Concerns: Reduction of cross border flows. High vulnerability to floods and droughts. Pollution & Water Quality. Saline intrusion and coastal ecology(estuary). Poor knowledge of water use activities upstream. Poor implementation of agreements. Poor exchange of information between riparian States. Low coverage of the National hydrometeorological data collection network. Financial constraints. DNA
Zambezi River Basin Zambeze represents about 50% of the country’s Mean Annual Runoff ; About 20% of the total population of Country live in the Zambeze Basin Establishment of ARA-Zambeze (ZAMWAT); Hydrological Network: i. Existing 14 stations; ii. Future plans 60 stations DNA
Ongoing Initiatives Ratification of the revised Protocol on Shared Watercourses for the Southern African Region, Negotiations for the establishment of the Zambezi River Commission (ZAMCOM), Preparation of a Strategy for the development and management of water resources of the Zambezi River (ZACPRO 6 –Phase II), Floods and Droughts Strategy developed for the region with support from USAID Negotiations for establishment of bilateral agreements with countries riparian to the Zambezi (JWC/Zimbabwe/Malawi) DNA
Ongoing Initiatives Preparation of joint studies for the Incomati, Umbeluzi, Pungoe, Limpopo and Save. Negotiations for the establishment of the Limpopo River Commission (LIMPCOM). Negotiations for the establishment of an interim agreement for the Incomati River Basin (IMCOMAPUTO). Preparation of a National Strategy for the development and management of water resources. Revision of the Water Law and National Water Policy. Establishment of a Stakeholder Forum Task Force. DNA
Ongoing Initiatives (Existing Agreements) Rivers of Common Interest, 1964, (Portugal, RSA e Swaziland) Pigg’s Peak- Cross border flows on the Incomati, 1991, (RSA, Mozambique and Swaziland) Water Sharing on the Umbeluzi, 1976, (Moç. e Swaziland) Joint Water Commission with RSA, 1996 Joint Water Commission with Swaziland, 1999 Tripartite Technical Committee, 1983 (RSA,Moç e Swazi) Technical Permanent Committee for Limpopo, 1986, (Moç., RSA, Botswana e Zimbabwe) SADC Protocol on Shared Watercourses, 2000 DNA
Areas of Intervention Short and Long Term Strategy Strengthen the Institutional Coordination Undertake structural and non-structural mitigation measures Strengthen Regional Cooperation DNA
Areas of Intervention Short Term Strategy for Zambezi Basin-1 o Strengthen and re-activation of the Joint Operational Committee, between ZRA, HCB, DNA. The committee should also involve Water Departments of Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In the short-term this forum should secure the coordination and exchange of information. o Rehabilitation and installation of Hydro- meteorological Stations to secure communication within the whole river basin DNA
Areas of Intervention Short Term Strategy for Zambezi Basin-2 o Establishment of a Technical Unit dedicated to the management of water resources. In short term the Unit should develop activities related to: i. Preparedness and Contingency Planning Definition of the flood risk and inundated areas Elaborate contingency plans and mobilize resources for their implementation Issue contingency plans as well as the measures to be taken DNA
Areas of Intervention Short Term Strategy for Zambezi Basin-3 ii. Early Warning Information Systems Improve rainfall forecast(satellite, radar) Access to hydro-meteorological and mathematical models for early warning Access to models for flood propagation Establishment of warning systems and evacuation plans Access to telephones such as Global Stair and maps indicating the areas of risk DNA
Areas of Intervention Short Term Strategy for Zambezi Basin-4 iii. Mitigation measures (structural and non- structural) Non-Structural *Strengthen the hydro-meteorological network by including stations with DCP’s * Installation of a telemetric network Structural *Feasibility Study for Lupata and Zangue Dams *Studies for construction of protection dikes and refuge platforms * Mapping inundation areas DNA
Areas of Intervention Medium-Long Term Strategy for Zambezi Basin-5 * Strengthen/creating institutional capacity – position of Mozambique within the ZAMCOM (as the most downstream country Mozambique have to play a pro-active role, to be able to guarantee its access to the shared water resources and safeguard the country’s interests for the socio-economic development.) * The Technical Unit can, in a long term, be expanded to accommodate all activities needed for the implementation of the Water Resources Management Strategy currently being prepared for the Zambezi Basin with coordination by SADC-Water Sector and financial support from DANIDA, SIDA and NORAD. DNA
Areas of Intervention Medium-Long Term Strategy at National Level-1 Detailed studies of the Past Flood 2000 and Capacity building for the establishment of Sharing Water Agreements and Joint studies Hydraulic infra structures (droughts and floods). Moamba Major Bue Maria Mapai Mepanda Uncua – More attention shall be given to Small dams DNA
Areas of Intervention Medium-Long Term Strategy at National Level-2 Participation of the National Army * Improve the Army collaboration on rescue operations, in terms of its: –Organization –Structure –Means *What should be the community structure in order to facilitate rescue operations? *Provide training of Army and Civil Society. * The Army should also be involved in civil works (e.g. roads, bridges, dikes and accommodation camps). DNA
Areas of Intervention Medium-Long Term Strategy Other areas to be considered pertaining to the development of the Zambezi region: * Improvement of river navigation services; *Rehabilitation, expansion and construction of rural water supply schemes *Rural Infrastructures Development & Funding. *Project funding of the identified projects. DNA
Challenges Implementation of the Revised Regional Protocol on Shared Watercourses. Establishment of water sharing agreements and its implementation. Take the lead in international negotiations. Hosting of river basin organisations. Training national staff and Technical Assistance in specific areas Installation of modern flood and drought warning systems. Construction of small dams (poverty alleviation) DNA