Welcome to Curriculum Night 1 st Grade Ms. Hogue Ms. Lish Ms. Culp Mrs. McKinney Ms. Zale
Common Core Curriculum Common Core is a set of standards that describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. Prepares students for college or workplace by ensuring they reach certain expectations in English language skills and mathematics. Curriculum is more rigorous and teaches students learning strategies that can be applied to daily life. Common Core State Standards Initiative
Reading Focus will be on phonics, high frequency words, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Small groups for personalized instruction at each student’s reading level. Engage New York Curriculum – supports 1 st grade common core standards. Raz-Kids – online reading program leveled towards each child’s reading needs.
Writing Learn the purpose and process of writing: Organization Fluency Ideas Word Choice Conventions Presentation Voice Use thinking maps to develop writing. Types of writing: –Narrative –Informative/Explanatory Texts –Functional/”How To” –Opinion Writing journals Proficiency scales used for grading –Capialization –Spelling –Punctuation –Main idea
Mathematics Using Engage New York with a focus on: Extending number patterns Addition and subtraction strategies to 20 (with and without regrouping) Linear measurement Place value (2-digit numbers represent tens and one) Geometric shapes: both 2 and 3 dimensional. Word problems Linear Measurement Time Students who are struggling with a concept will be pulled for remediation during centers. Extra homework may be assigned.
Science Science will be integrated into reading and/or writing. Properties of Matter Space (solar system, sun, moon and stars) Weather Environment Plants Animal Habitats and Lifecycles The scientific method will be implemented throughout the school year.
Social Studies Social studies will be integrated with reading and/or writing. Types of Communities Maps (characteristics and purpose) U.S. symbols and holidays Government Citizen’s rights and laws Characteristics of Arizona and its Native American beginnings. Ancient Egyptian civilizations and their contributions to farming in Arizona Environmental causes and how they effect communities. Economics
Character Education Part of a child’s education is the ability to make good choices, problem-solve, and interact with other people. Participating in character building activities to help teach: –Respect –Responsibility –Trustworthiness –Fairness –Caring –Citizenship Behavior Chart system used to monitor positive and negative behavior throughout the school day.
Communication Monthly Newsletter ( , webpage, or paper copies) – curriculum, up-coming events, reminders, etc. your child’s teacher with any questions.
Homework Homework Calendar - daily enrichment activities to connect to learning. Engage New York Worksheets Reading Minutes Initial each day Due at the end of the month
Spelling Test Beginning this month, students will have weekly spelling tests. The spelling test will consist of: – 10 words (two different word families and four high frequency words) –Bonus words (extend on the word families) –Dictation sentences (graded on spelling, capitalization, punctuation, spacing, letter form) Begins after Winter Break * Your child’s teacher may have other bonus words or may begin dictation sentences before Winter Break.
Fun Friday Activities may include: Extra recess Movies Games Computers Every Friday, students have the opportunity to receive an award of fun free time! Students get to visit another classroom for 30 minutes for various activities. Stencils Crafts Legos Puzzles To earn Fun Friday a student must: –Have finished all their work for the week –Did not get below yellow on the Behavior Chart
Parent Volunteers Volunteers are always welcome and needed for: –Small group activities –Field trips –Seasonal parties –Art Masterpiece HUSD Volunteer Packet must be completed and cleared through the Higley District Office Packets are available in the front office Your child’s teacher will the volunteer calendar
Birthdays Birthday are a very special time for kids. Feel free to bring in story-bought treats. your child’s teacher for a time to bring in a treat and the number of students in class. Only nut free treats.
Lunch Money Money may be added to your child’s account online (HUSD website) Send lunch money with your child in an envelope with: –Their first and last name –Student ID number –Classroom number If you do not know your child’s ID number, the teacher.
Thank you so much for coming tonight. This presentation is available on your child’s teacher page if you need to refer to it at a later date. Questions