the Math Maze Game System ®™ was created to help students master foundation math skills. Students who struggle with learning advanced mathematics generally lacked mastery of prerequisite or foundation mathematics skills. The Math Maze Game System ®™ allows students to gain mastery of missing math skill in a dignified way. The mission of Math Maze. USA is to stimulate greater interest and proficiency in K-12 Mathematics
Prepare your children for Success Math Maze ®™is a new card game that makes learning math fun Don’t delay start today!
Hands on full engagement The Latest in Mathematics intervention tools Using mathematical reasoning players create and solve math problems The winner is the player who gets rid of, his/hers cards first
Presenting The Math Maze ® ™ Game System Game apparatus includes : Mathematics Function Bar ®™ Used in combination with two sets of cards, the six sided Mathematics Function Bar ®™ contains notations indicating a different mathematics operation. One side indicates addition, a second subtraction, a third multiplication, a fourth division, and a fifth and sixth, each having or showing “ Players choice”. Starter game sets come with 3 mathematics Functions Bars ®™. One with addition & subtraction, one with multiplication & division, and one with all four operations. Mastery game sets come with 1 Mathematics Function Bar ®™ showing all four operations. Math Maze ® ™ is more than a game. It is a passive learning system. With regular use it will guarantee mastery of the prerequisite skills necessary for success in high school algebra.
# 3 Different Mathematics Function Bars ®™ 1.Multiply/ Divide 2. Add/ Subtract 3. Add/ Subtract/ Multiply/ Divide
whole numbers fractions + positive & negative integers Whole numbers Fractions Plus: Positive & Negative integers
Using the Math Maze ®™ game System MATHMAZE ® is more than a game. It is a passive learning system. With regular use it will guarantee mastery of the prerequisite skills necessary for success in high school algebra. When playing with the STARTER GAME SET, Learners first play with addition and subtraction of whole numbers until they are ready for the next skill set. They would use the addition & subtraction Mathematics Function Bar™. Next learners play with the multiplication & Division Mathematics Function Bar™ until they are ready to play with all four skills. Finaly learners play with the Mathematics Function Bar™ with all four functions or skills. When playing with the MASTERY GAME SET, learners master integers, fractions, and whole numbers. The skills level required is advanced by including the negative integer cards and or fraction cards to the play. The game should be played using cards that are most appropriate for the skills levels of the players. Any or all players can verbally answer problems during play. The objective is to expose players to the correct answers many times,over and over again. Players also have an opportunity to see answers constructed in many different ways. MATH MAZE® can help the whole family or class develop interest and proficiency in foundation mathematics skills. As the player’s skills level grows the game progresses to more advanced levels. Players are not intimidated by the game, it does not shame those who learn more slowly, but rather, challenges them.
Why use the MATH MAZE ® ™ Game System 1. Game format encourages both student and parent envolvement. Math Maze ® provides for a home school connection. 2.Develops and builds mathematics skills proficiency. Math Maze also provides for accelaration or enrichment for gifted students. 3. Provides for regular small group and or whole class activity. 4. Can be used as early as grade 1 and continued through grade Hands–on academic and social skills development. 6. Offers a new and exciting instructional approach that allows for differentiated skills development and diversity accomodation. 7. Emphasizes continuous progress approach and cooporative learning techniques. 8. Cutting-edge intervention and remediation tool. 9. Game cards are printed in English & Spanish and show a dots indicating Number values for each card.
Important information and features Complies with state and federal guidelines for test preparation materials. Requires little staff support and or development. Student centered activity appropriate for all students. Can be easily modified to focus on the development of specific skills. Accommodates all learning styles, Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. Supports the academic and social progress for all students. Fosters cooperative learning and peer tutoring. Helps develop positive attitudes towards students with disabilities and or skills deficits by classmates, peers and staff both. Especially useful when working with ED, LD, and ESL students. Math Maze has been used successfully in grades 3-12 in both special needs and general education classrooms. Multiple decks may be combined to accommodate more players.
Engagement is the answer Math Maze fills the void
Play, Learn, and Grow Together The Math Maze ®™ Game System is the Perfect intervention and remediation tool
Math Maze.USA Mission Statement The mission of Math Maze.USA is to stimulate greater interest and proficiency in k-12 mathematics. This new approach to help students master foundation math skills. It also allows parents and teachers to see the true skills level of players. (A true assessment tool.) Students who struggle with learning advanced mathematics generally lack mastery of prerequisite or foundations mathematic skills. The Math Maze Game System®™ allows players to gain mastery of missing math skills in a dignified way. Use the Math Maze Game system®™ to improve Student performance and instructional practices/ methods. Using grade level, school wide, district wide, state wide, and national Math Maze Game Tournaments we can create an unequaled level of interest and proficiency. We believe that the Math Maze Game System®™ is The Perfect intervention and remediation tool! Note: The cost of the Math Maze Game System reflects only the value of the game pieces………. not its value to the student. Lets turn them on and fire them up!
The Math Maze Game System supports the learning needs of all students: Basic Grade Level grades 1-8 Intervention Program grades 4-7, Inter-session, Afterschool programs, Special education IEP Mathematics intervention Algebra Readiness Programs grades 6-12 The MATH MAZE Game System provides all students access to the concepts, skills, and problem solving tools with a focus on foundational concepts and skills necessary for student success in high school algebra. Student access – UNIVERSAL The MATH MAZE Game System was designed to help all students, including struggling students, learning the key concept in mathematics and master foundation skills. The MATH MAZE Game System supports the California Mathematics Standards and the Mathematics Framework for California Public.
How can you help? Support the ordering and advocate for the use of Math Maze Game System in all district schools Support, advocate and influence other school principals to purchase and use Math Maze in their schools
Close the Achievement Gap in mathematics Now! Tell your school principal that your leadership group wants them to order and use the Math Maze Game System to support parental involvement and overall math skills development for all families