Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance BUDGET REPORT TO THE FACULTY SENATE FEBRUARY 24, 2011
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 2 OVERVIEW FY10 Budget FY11 Budget FY12 Budget Request Comparisons and Trends
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 3 FY10 Budget
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 4 FY10 BUDGET ALLOCATION $ in millions (1)Self-supporting source of funds (Fund 101) (2)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, for display only, actual expense is in DOA. Unrestricted Budget$293 Unrestricted Budget – Fund 101 (1) $13 Unrestricted Budget - GO Debt Service (2) $14 Restricted Budget - Auxiliaries / Enterprises$90 Restricted Budget - Student Aid - External Sources$98 Restricted Budget - Research$73 Restricted Budget - Indirect Cost Recovery$12 Restricted Budget - RI Capital Fund$4 ______ Total FY10 Budget Allocation$597
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 5 FY10 UNRESTRICTED BUDGET $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, for display only, actual expense is in DOA. OriginalMid-Year Request AllocationBudgetActual Revenue State Appropriation$70$61$57 GO Debt Service (1) $13$14 Tuition & Fees$223$220$222 All Other$23$25 $26 Total Revenue:$329$320$318$319 Expenditures Personnel$197$188$186$181 Operating / Capital$55$54$55$57 Student Aid$59$61$60$59 Debt Service - RIHEBC$5$3 Debt Service - GO (1) $13$14 Total Expenditures:$329$320 $318 $314 Surplus vs. (Deficit) $5
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 6 FY11 Budget
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 7 FY11 BUDGET ALLOCATION $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, for display only, actual expense is in DOA. Unrestricted Budget$307 Unrestricted Budget - Fund 101$13 Unrestricted Budget - GO Debt Service (1) $16 Restricted Budget - Auxiliaries / Enterprises$93 Restricted Budget - Student Aid - External Sources$126 Restricted Budget - Research$82 Restricted Budget - Indirect Cost Recovery$15 Restricted Budget - RI Capital Fund$16 Restricted Budget - Fire Safety Stabilization Funds$5 Restricted Budget - Other Funds$3 Total FY11 Budget Allocation$676
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 8 FY11 UNRESTRICTED ALLOCATION $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, although actual expense is in DOA. (2)FY11 Allocation as of July 2010; FY11 MYR is currently in process. FY11 BOGFY11Request to RequestAllocation (2) Allocation Change Revenue State Appropriation $63 $57($6) GO Debt Service (1) $14 $16$1 Tuition & Fees$236$239$3 All Other $24 ($0) Total Revenue:$337$336($2) Expenditures Personnel$197$191($6) Operating / Capital $57 $56($1) Student Aid $65 $70$5 Debt Service - RIHEBC $4 $3($1) Debt Service - GO (1) $14 $16$1 Total Expenditures:$338$336($2)
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 9 FY11 UNRESTRICTED BUDGET $336M $ in millions Student Aid $70.2 Undergrad $56.2 Grad $8.6 Waivers $5.5 Student Aid $53.6 Hardge Student Aid $8.8 Athletic Student Aid $7.8 Athletics $9.5 Academic Affairs $154.2 Student Affairs $6.1 Univ. Advancement $5.6 GO & RIHEBC Debt Svc $19.0 Fund 101 $12.5 All Other $11.7 Res & Econ Dev $0.3 President’s Division $2.1 Util, AP., Ins $13.9 Admin & Fin $44.5 ($13.9 U/A/I)
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 10 FULL-TIME FACULTY HIRES (1)Vacancies effective June (2)Strategically allocated full-time faculty lines (e.g., tenure-track clinical & lecturer). One statistics line has yet to be leveraged into two faculty positions. (3)Filled July 1, Total lines filled or being searched for: 46.6 College or Unit Vacated Lines FY10 (1) Allocated Lines FY10 (2) Lines Allocated FY09 Faculty Started FY11 (3) Arts & Sciences Business Adminstration010 Environment & Life Science3.831 Engineering221 Human Science & Services 341 Nursing2.631 Graduate School of Oceanography110 Pharmacy223 Library010 TOTAL
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 11 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS UNRESTRICTED College/UnitFY11 AllocStrategic Investment included in FY11 Allocation Arts & Sciences$40.3$1.4Faculty/Staff salary & fringe; Reinvestment advance ($638K of $1.4M) Business Administration$9.2$0.2Faculty/Staff salary & fringe Environmental Life Sciences$16.5$0.3Faculty/Staff salary & fringe; returning faculty advance Engineering$12.2$0.3Faculty/Staff salary & fringe Human Science & Services$10.8$0.3Faculty/Staff salary & fringe Nursing$4.1$0.2Faculty salary & fringe Graduate School of Oceanography$9.7$0.1Faculty salary & fringe Pharmacy$9.6$0.2Faculty/TA’s salary & fringe & waivers Library$7.8$0.5Salary & Fringe; journals, online subscriptions Information Technology Services$11.3$0.4Shared SAKAI position; classroom upgrades Continuing Education$5.5$0.04Staff salary & fringe University College$2.0$0.04Staff salary & fringe Grad School, Admiss, Enrollment Serv$7.2$0.2Staff salary & fringe Other AA units*$8.0 Total$154.2$4.2 $ in millions * Fac Sen, Honors, IDP, Lab. Rel., Non-Violence, Summer, SLOAA, Confucius Inst, Provost
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 12 FY12 Budget Request
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 13 FY12 BUDGET REQUEST $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, although actual expense is in DOA. Unrestricted Budget$328 Unrestricted Budget - Fund 101$12 Unrestricted Budget - GO Debt Service (1) $16 Restricted Budget - Auxiliaries / Enterprises$96 Restricted Budget - Student Aid - External Sources$131 Restricted Budget - Research$90 Restricted Budget - Indirect Cost Recovery$15 Restricted Budget - Private$3 Restricted Budget - RI Capital Fund$20 Total FY12 Budget Request$712
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 14 FY12 UNRESTRICTED REQUEST $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, although actual expense is in DOA. (2)FY11 Allocation as of July 2010; FY11 MYR is currently in process. FY11FY12 Alloc to Request Change Allocation (2) Request Revenue State Appropriation$56.6$71.2$14.6 GO Debt Service (1) $16.0 $0.0 Tuition & Fees$239.5$245.6$6.1 All Other$23.5 $0.0 Total Revenue:$335.6$356.3$20.7 Expenditures Personnel$191.0$199.9$8.9 Operating / Capital$55.2$56.3$1.1 Student Aid$70.4$80.8$10.4 Debt Service - RIHEBC$3.0$3.3$0.3 Debt Service - GO (1) $16.0 $0.0 Total Expenditures:$335.6$356.3$20.7
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 15 Comparisons and Trends
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 16 UNRESTRICTED BUDGET COMPARISON $ in millions (1)Per State Budget Office, GO Debt Service reflected in URI’s budget, although actual expense is in DOA. FY08FY09FY10FY11FY12 Actuals AllocationRequest Revenue State Appropriation$74.9$62.2$56.8$56.6$71.2 GO Debt Service (1) $10.5$12.6$14.2$16.0 Tuition & Fees$185.6$201.5$221.5$239.5$245.6 All Other$25.5$27.5$26.5$23.5 Total Revenue:$296.5$303.8$319.0$335.6$356.3 Expenditures Personnel$183.4$177.5$180.7$191.0$199.9 Operating & Capital$52.1$59.2$57.1$55.2$56.3 Student Aid$48.1$52.4$58.9$70.4$80.8 Debt Service - RIHEBC$2.2$2.1$2.8$3.0$3.3 Debt Service - GO (1) $10.4$12.6$14.2$16.0 Total Expenditures:$296.2$303.8$313.7$335.6$356.3 Surplus vs. (Deficit)$0.3 0$
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 17 STATE APPROPRIATION VS. TUITION & FEES Note: * Asset Protection and other RICAP projects budgeted separately.
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 18 FINANCIAL FTE ENROLLMENT Excludes Summer Session
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 19 STUDENT AID SUMMARY – UNRESTRICTED BUDGET $ in thousands FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11FY12 Actuals AllocationRequest Student Aid$33,496$39,470$48,093$52,417$59,262$70,360$80,875 $ increase over previous year$3,249$5,974$8,623$4,324$6,845$11,098$10,515 % increase over previous year10.7%17.8%21.8%9.0%13.1%18.7%14.9% % of total University unrestricted budget13.5%14.7%16.2%17.3%18.6%21.0%22.7%
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 20 UNRESTRICTED BUDGET – INVESTMENTS IN LIBRARY FY09-FY11 Investments in the Library include: Learning Commons Investment = $750K Investment for faculty = $265K Investment for faculty & staff = $122K Investment for journals & online subscriptions = $339K
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance FY11 Faculty Senate Presentation Slide 21 Sept 2011 Original FY13 Request submittal to OHE Sept 2011 BOG approves FY13 Request as submitted October 1, 2011 FY13 Request forwarded by OHE to the State Budget Office Jan/Feb2012 Governor’s recommendation of FY13 Budget to General Assembly June 2012 Approval of FY13 Budget by General Assembly FY13 BUDGET REQUEST TIMELINE
Robert A. Weygand, Vice President Division of Administration and Finance BUDGET REPORT TO THE FACULTY SENATE FEBRUARY 24, 2011