PRE FESTIVAL STALLHOLDER MEETING RED Section Tuvalu, Hawaii, Pan Pacific 1, 2 & 3, Not for profit 1, Tonga, Aotearoa
Agenda – Pre Festival Stallholders Meeting 1. Welcome and introductions - Taha Fasi 2. Pasifika Festival 2014 – Stan Wolfgramm 3. Stallholder pack in/ pack out – Stan Wolfgramm 4. Stall applications background information – Mia Patel 5. Handcrafts stalls depart 6. Food stalls session with EHO’s 7. Closing- Taha Fasi
Pasifika Festival 2014 Pasifika Festival celebrates 22 years Hawaiian Village Two day festival – Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March, 2014 Multi – denominational Church service 9am – 10am on Sunday 2014 Look & Feel of villages Saturday 8 March 2014, 10am – 5pm 11 Villages represented at Pasifika Festival – Aotearoa, Samoa, Tuvalu, Fiji, Tahiti, Tonga, Tokelau, Cook Islands, Niue & Kiribati, Hawaii Sunday 9 March 2014, 9am – 4pm (stall trade from 10am) 9 Villages represented at Pasifika Festival – Aotearoa, Samoa, Tuvalu, Fiji, Tahiti, Tonga, Cook Islands, Niue, Hawaii The Cook Is stage – will hold a multi-denominational church service followed by cultural performances throughout the day Pan Pacific village – will feature pan pacific food, craft and entertainment
RED Section map
Checklist for Stallholders Pasifika Festival am - 5pm, Saturday, 8 March & 10am - 4pm, Sunday 9 March We recommend that you visit Western Springs during the week before the festival to check where your site is. We will provide you with stall infrastructure; this will be installed and ready for you to set up on the day. Set up/Pack In Saturday (8 March) 5:00am – 8.00am Sunday (9 March) 5:00am – 8:00am Please ensure you know which gate you will be entering at (gates will be signposted). All cars must display a vehicle access pass (to be displayed clearly on your dashboard) and must be off site by 8.00am. Two vehicle access passes are given to each stall. Parking is available at Western Springs College (Motions Road) and is $10 for the day. Your stall number must be displayed on your stall site at all times. The product you sell on the day must be the same as what you filled out on your application form. Stallholders may not sell food and crafts in the same stall. All stallholders selling food must comply with the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 and the Auckland Council Food Stalls by-law, including attending the food safety training session prior to the festival. Environmental Health Officers will be onsite from 8am to inspect all food stalls. Stallholders may not on-sell or share their site with another organisation or business and stalls may not have any branding or signage that is in competition with the festival’s sponsors or supporters. On the day, there will be Section Managers, Market Managers and assistants to help you if you have any issues. Trading hours for all stalls are from 10am to 5pm on Saturday 8 March and 10am to 4pm on Sunday 9 March. Please note that for those who have requested power, it will be supplied from 5am to 5pm only. No tobacco, alcohol or other restricted products may be sold at the festival. Kava may be sold in its powered form only. The price for food stalls includes infrastructure, access to a generator and the food safety licence fee. Please note that you will need to supply your own extension leads and multi-boxes/plugs. These must be either brand new or tagged and tested (by an electrician).
Criteria for stallholders: It is expected that all applicants for stall sites at Pasifika Festival meet the following criteria: Applications must be complete, with all details provided and include photographs when required. Only one application per address, family or organisation is allowed Food/drink and craft stalls located in villages at the festival must sell authentic Pacific Island product. For Pasifika Festival 2014 this refers to the 11 Pacific cultures represented as villages at the festival (i.e. Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Tokelau, Tuvalu and Aotearoa). Products from other Pacific nations have been considered at the application process. BBQ food or sausage sizzle is not considered authentic Pacific product. Stallholders may not sell food and crafts in the same stall. All stallholders selling food must comply with the Food Hygiene Regulations 1974 and the Auckland Council Food Stalls by-law, including attending the food safety training session prior to the festival. Stallholders may not on-sell or share their site with another organisation or business and stalls may not have any branding or signage that is in competition with the festival’s sponsors or supporters. Applicants for the villages must have a product/service that reflects the specific Pacific Island represented. No tobacco, alcohol or other restricted products may be sold at the festival. Kava may be sold in its powered form only.
Exclusive beverage partner providing the best prices & stock for stall holders.
ORDERS: Using the Frucor Order form, your initial order to This needs to be done by Friday 7 th March 2pm for Saturday morning delivery Sunday deliveries must be phoned OR ed to Will by 3pm Saturday Will will also do a “walk around” on Saturday afternoon collecting orders for Sunday No re-stocking on Saturday afternoon STOCK DELIVERY: Stock will be delivered Saturday and Sunday mornings between 6am-8am You must have cash on hand to pay for the product
Key Points Frucor exclusivity There are NO Buy Backs Orders for Saturday must be placed by Friday 7 th March, 2pm Orders for Sunday must be placed by Saturday 8 th March, 3pm There will not be “extra stock” onsite to purchase throughout the day. Pre order only
Need Further Information? Will Willock Mobile: Matt Cormack Mobile: