Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) Colleton County Middle School and Clemson University Department of Mathematical Sciences PDI 2 Professional Development for Integrated Inquiry Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
THE MSP grant is designed to: Increase teacher content knowledge in math and science. Improve student learning in math and science while decreasing subgroup score differentials. Improve teacher knowledge of interconnectedness among STEM disciplines. Morning Connecting math and science through project-based learning- Eco-Toxicity BioAssay Experiment Design Afternoon Job-A-Like Formative Assessment House Branding/STEM Units Team Presentations Tomorrow Last Day Celebration
Team Building Activity Cooperation Squares Objectives: To encourage cooperation. To become aware of behaviors that help or hinder community effort. To build inclusion and influence. Directions: Form five squares with the puzzle pieces. No talking or signaling. Giving is permitted. From Tribes by Jeanne Gibbs
Colleton County Middle School Engineering Design Cycle How do cause and effect relationships impact life and learning? Bioassay with Daphnia M.: Toxicity Dose and Response Percent Concentration Trans-disciplinary Big Idea: Cause and Effect Relationships What are effects of performing scientific tests on animals for medical research or environmental studies and why is it important? Debate: Should animals be used in research?
O Informational Text Decide who will read what sections Share concepts and terminology Develop a working definition of a bioassay Observations: O Mini-aquarium O Digital Microscope Sketch and describe in your notebook
How was each concentration made using the 2.0% solution ? Which is the most likely explanation for the observation that some of the Daphnia in the control group with the 0% solution died? A. Even low concentrations of this toxicant are hazardous. B. Other factors, besides this toxicant, affect Daphnia survival. C. There was an error in the design of the students’ experiment. D. The students recorded the number, not the percentage, of the Daphnia. Why do you think it was important to use spring water? Examine the lab report and answer these questions: 1. What six Toxicant X concen- trations were Daphnia exposed to in this experiment? 2. What three levels of concentration resulted in 20% mortality? 3. How many Daphnia were tested? 4. How many died in the 2.0% concentrated solution? What percent died? 5. How was the percentage of mortality calculated for each concentration? 6. What is LD 5o and how do you find it?
O Choose a toxicant. O Use a graphic organizer of your choice to plan your experiment: O Hypothesis O Data O Conduct your experiment and collect and record observations. O Make a graph of the results. When we perform a scientific test, what factors are important to consider?
How might you improve your experiment design to be certain that you accurately determined the LD 50 for this toxicant? O Did the results of your experiment support your hypothesis? Explain why or why not? O Which toxicant concentration appeared to have the greatest effect ? …little or no effect? What data supports your conclusion? O What other factors/things could have affected Daphnia behavior/survival in your experiment? What was the LD 50 for this toxicant in your experiment?
Teams share: What toxicant did you use and why did you choose it? What procedure did you use? What was the LD 50 and how do you know? How might the results of this bioassay be applied to exposure, predictions, or testing with other species such as fish or humans? How might humans be exposed? GroupToxicant LD 50 Class Data
Lunch ‘n Learn Table Conversation Topic: Math, Science, and Literacy Practices (Venn Diagram handout) How might we enrich student experiences in our classrooms via the interconnectedness of math, science, and literacy practices?
Planning for Showcase House Branding-30 minutes STEM Units-30 minutes Tool-Engineering-Literacy-10 minutes *** All groups will present on Thursday.***
House Branding What elements will you include in your branding package? What STEM-based activity will you use to kick off your house brand at the beginning of the year? Be prepared to present your brand and activity on the last day of the institute. STEM Units Review each unit, considering the strengths and weaknesses of each unit. Make a poster for each unit representing the “keepers” and the suggested revisions. How is the CCMS Engineering Design Cycle being used in each unit? Is project-based learning represented in your unit?
STEM Curriculum Re-Design Reflection Turn in your STEM Flip Book to the Rigor and Relevance Framework. In what quadrant would you place the STEM activities that you have experienced this week? What evidence supports your claim? Consider what your house has planned for next year STEM and house branding. Where do those activities fit on the framework?