Field data collection Asfaw Tolessa Addis Ababa, 25 February
Pre-Field work activities Preparatory workshop for 2 days – December 2000 Targeted at key-persons from the Region 12 Zones livestock experts Create awareness about the project, objectives and activities Consultation forum for design and implementation of the project activities Discussion on the questionnaire Detail report of all Zones 2
Content of the Zonal report Livestock density Distribution of species Number of PA’s per district Human population & distribution Land allocation 3
Scheduling the survey time Rain fall Availability of livestock Availability of Farmers Accessibility Road Rivers 4
Scheduling the survey time(Cont.) Seasonal activity availability of DAs availability of District SMSs availability of farmers 5
Dividing the survey into phases The Region into 4 phases Based on Rainfall Availability 3 zones per phases 6
Division of the Region into 4 phases 7
Organization All Zonal Agricultural Development Department All District Agricultural Development Offices Given assignment to co-operate All did as requested 8
Organization (cont.) Hierarchical approach Survey Project team (4 people) 12 Zonal livestock experts (key-persons) as supervisors 55 woreda livestock experts as woreda supervisors 185 development agents as enumerators Survey project team Zone supervisors Woreda supervisors Enumerators 9
Preparation for field work Vehicle Communication (Radio) Budget Addis team (ILRI/OADB) Zonal supervisors District supervisors Enumerators Questionnaire Teaching aids First aid 10
Field work Field work activities started May 18,2001 Training 2 days theory & class exercise 1 day practical 11
Training content Introduction Background and goals of the project/survey Questionnaire design, content and organization Introduction to the questionnaire Household questionnaire Cattle questionnaire Sheep questionnaire Goat questionnaire Secondary species questionnaire: Camel, Chicken, Donkey, Mule, Horse Class exercise on the questionnaire 12
Training content (cont.) Discussion on the class exercise Interview Techniques – Experiences: timing and dealing with farmers Guidelines of filling the questionnaire Introduction to field exercise, discussion on group formation and logistics Field exercise on the interviewing techniques Field exercise on phenotypic description Enumerators self exercise on phenotypic description Field survey guidelines, assignment of DAs and instruction on supervision, logistics, distribution of questionnaires and supplies 13
Training methodology The training consisted of: 1.Classroom training Training: 3 days per Zone 5 days is recommended!! 14
Training methodology (cont.) 2.Class room group exercises; Participants were split up in groups. One of the participants played as farmer. The others interviewed him 15
Training methodology (cont.) 3.Field exercises: Groups of participants were sent out in the field to interview a farmer 16
Field work (cont.) Data collection 10 days survey 30 farmers/PA 1 enumerator/PA 30 questionnaires/Enumerator 3 questionnaires/day/Enumerator 17
Field work (cont.) Supervision District supervisor – His/her enumerators – 2-5 enumerators/supervisor – 1 visit/day Zonal supervisors – District supervisors – Enumerators – 4-6 districts/zone – Have own vehicle – Join Addis Team 18
Execution of the survey Resources in the form of fuel, and minor maintenance were provided to supervisors, and enumerators In some cases bicycles, mules or horses were rented to make the supervisors and enumerators mobile Survey length was 10 days per Zone 19
End of surveying West Wollega 22 December,
Problems Observed Market days Untimely rains Unexpected high costs Maintenance Wrong PA &/or HH selections Some wrong NGOs experiences Payment for simple group discussions 21
Positive Observations Responsible feeling ZADD DADO DAs Collaboration Farmers HH heads Family members Neighbours Village leaders 22