Organizations supporting education about standardization CWC International Doctoral Study Programme at University of Oulu Dr. Ari Pouttu
The four seasons and Location In spring nature awakensSummers are green and mild Autumn coloursCrispy and snowy winters 160 km south of arctic circle
Key Characteristics Project based operation, all funding outside university budget > 40 projects. Research partners include Tekes, Renesas Mobile, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson, Texas Instruments, Xilinx. Finnish Defence Forces, European Commission, European Defence Agency, European Space Agency, Patria, Insta, Elektrobit, Nethawk, Ponsse,… Annual budget approximately 8 M EUR. Staff 110, 19 nationalities All new initiatives funded by own surplus, which is used for CWC funded professorships (Currently 8) Internal strategic research projects Acquisition of high class research equipment Professional organisation and project management with separated daily management and scientific management. CWC Overview
Fundamental Research & Teaching
CWC Applied Research Arena Tekijöiden sukunimet aakkosjärjestyksessä
24/8/15Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January Essentials of the CWC International Doctoral Study Programme Establishment and Funding of CWC DOC Objectives of CWC DOC Why to Study in the CWC Doctoral Study Programme? Research Areas Staff Admission Postgraduate Course Studies 40 cp Practical Work with Standards
Establishment and Funding of CWC DOC The first new international professors and students begun to work within the framework of the CWC International Doctoral Study Programme on 4 June The programme has received financial support from the Federation of Finnish Technology Industries in the form of a grant. In addition, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation has given indirect support for the programme through the Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) -programme. All students receive salary from CWC’s research projects. In addition, some positions may be partly funded by external graduate schools, e.g. from Infotech Oulu Graduate School. As of 2012 CWC DOC is part of the University of Oulu Graduate School (UniOGS) 24/8/15Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 20097
Objectives of CWC DOC [1] CWC offers a motivating and inspiring working and studying environment that ensures efficient project work and consequently the creation of remarkable research results. The CWC International Doctoral Study Programme helps students to focus on their own research topics with the support of courses and supervision drawing from leading edge research in wireless communications. Efficient blending of project work and studies is easier through a well-structured curriculum taking into account students’ specific requirements. Constant project cooperation with other research organisations and industry will provide students with skills that are of great value for their future career. -> the path towards graduation becomes more straightforward. 24/8/158Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 2009
Objectives of CWC DOC [2] The graduating students possess a highly prized knowledge base and extensive capabilities in problem solving that companies will compete for. From the very beginning 4-6 students will graduate from the International Doctoral Study Programme. In addition to postgraduate courses, also visiting lectures, seminars and workshops are organised within the study programme. CWC DOC creates direct value for the surrounding community by increasing the level of innovativeness and by creating possibilities for new research directions in cooperation with existing and new industry. 24/8/159Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 2009
24/8/15Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January Why To Study in the CWC Doctoral Study Programme? Efficient blend of project work and studies focusing on own research area International top-quality research Industry related real research projects International conferences – networking Big research group but close interaction between different project teams – possibility to learn new Broad spectrum of courses offered and the possibility to affect the course offering
Research Areas Signal Processing and Transceiver Design Communication and Information Theory Wireless Communication Systems and Networks 24/8/1511Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 2009
Leading Staff Professor Latva-aho Matti Professor Iinatti Jari Professor Juntti Markku The International Doctoral Study Programme is closely linked with the Finland Distinguished Professor (FiDiPro) programme which currently funds the work of the following professors at CWC: Prof. Behnaam Aazhang (USA) Prof. Ryuji Kohno (Japan) Prof. Tadashi Matsumoto (Japan) 24/8/1512Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 2009
Postgraduate Course Studies All university of Oulu doctoral programmes are organised under University of Oulu Graduate School (UNIOGS, The duration of the doctoral training corresponds to four years of full-time study, but it can be completed in a longer time in the case of part-time work. The degree includes research work for the thesis, the publication and the public defense of the thesis, and, depending on the discipline, 20 to 50 ECTS credits of “taught” studies and/or other research-related activities. The goals of the studies are to deepen the student's knowledge of his/her own field, and to develop his/her general knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career. Hanna Saarela| AIT 5 January 2009
Practical Work with Standards 90 % of the research work performed at CWC is funded outside university budget (Budget in total 8 M€) by National Funding Agencies, EU, ESA, EDA, Industries and institutional partners (e.g. Defence Forces) as co-operation projects or as commissioned research. Long and Medium term research themes are developed together with partners – especially industries. We influence through ETPs to include the topics in EU future research agendas. We invite experts to give intensive courses of new and emerging standards as well as invention and standardisation processes. Current model: We produce Dr Tech-people who seek positions at our partner industries. Together with partners we produce results our partners (e.g. NOKIA, NSN, Ericsson, operators) promote the results to standardisation (ITU, ETSI, 3GPP, IEEE) 24/8/15Ari Pouttu| ITU Workshop14
CWC Research Impact in Cellular arena National TEKES projects on SS technologies and WCDMA VALDE demonstrator, worlds first WCDMA phone call 1995 EC FP4 Frames project EB4G test platform CWC Internal 4G prestudy projects Eventual 3G standard generation WINNER Projects and national TEKES projects LTE and IMT- Advanced CWC 4G laboratory First Cognitive network phone call utilising 4 network technologies National TEKES 5G projects 2010 EU METIS Project for 5G 2017