Starting the Day the Multimedia Way: A Student Run Broadcast Center Stacy Maier, MA Michelle Green, Med
What is a Student Run Broadcast Center? n Television closed circuit broadcast within your school n Similar to a morning news show Most aspects student operated Most aspects student operated
What are the benefits of a broadcast center? n Replaces intercom announcements n Shifts announcement focus to the students n Students are empowered n Student interest level increases
Instructional Value n Students develop speaking skills n Instructional material presented in a new way n Broadcast Center can be utilized for other instructional and school activities
Teacher Voice n Instills responsibility n Builds confidence n Promotes creativity & leadership n Students are more attentive during school announcements
n “Students need some power in this school” n “So other kids can understand it” n “Little kids wouldn’t be able to understand the adults” n “Kids barely get to do much” n “Because students know what is going on in this weird life” Student Voice Why do you think it is important for students to be in charge of the broadcast center? n “It is appealing to watch other kids” n “So they can make up their own way and have fun” n “To make school a little more fun” n “So they could learn to not be shy” n “It helps with reading and learn responsibility”
How did we get the idea?
Where to begin? Form a committee Brainstorm ideas
Funding your project Writing our grant Searching for funds Your school technology department
Supplies & Equipment Basic needs: n n Cable network in school n n Modulator processor n n 1 TV n n 1 VCR n n 1 Camera with tripod n Cables n Microphone n Computer n VGA - TV box n Switcher n Switcher box
Equipment Bid List eacherOutreach/bid_indx.htm
Setting up your Broadcast Center Room cable drop outlets space Backdrops Lighting Furniture
Observation & Training Visit local school based broadcast center Utilize local resources local cable company schools within your district area school districts
Organizing the Broadcast Center Manpower Student teams Staff teams
Talk to students Distribute applications Informing the School
Selection Process Application Sample application
Selection Process Application Sample application Teacher recommendation
Selection Process Application Sample application Teacher recommendation Auditions scheduling taping
Selection Process Application Sample application Teacher recommendation Auditions scheduling taping Final selections Rubric Scoring
Selection Process Application Sample application Teacher recommendation Auditions scheduling taping Final selections Rubric Scoring Assigning teams Broadcast Correspondence
Sponsor Teams 8 Volunteer Sponsors 1 Time a week/15 Minutes Observation of student teams 2 Head Sponsors 5 Days a week On Call Every Morning Observation of student & faculty teams Proofread & Finalize Scripts Troubleshoot
Student Teams 2 anchors 1 Camera person 1 Director 1 Sound person 1 Video person
First Time Live October 1 time a week November 3 times a week December 5 times a week
Special Assignments Script Writer Weatherman SCA Reporter Sports Correspondents Fitness Correspondent Feature Correspondents
Student Survey What they liked: Weather Upcoming news AR names announced Basketball/Sports scores Seeing their friends on TV Brainteasers Birthday names Special announcements Newsflashes Funny dialog Makes them have a good day They feel grown up Correspondence feature stories Lunch menu Pledge of allegiance Seeing kids work everything
Team #1 Team #2 Ashley Balis Lauren Harlow Patricia Reed Whitney Sonnessa Allie Bacon Katie Fulwiler Joseph Turner Melissa Brown Katie Howard Jesselle Barkley Jessica Rocha Samantha Sealock
Team #3 Team #4 Alicia Carlson Aubrey Evans Janice Son Kristin Eyclsheimer Bailey Clark EK Smock Prad Nadakaduty Allison Coates Kelly Quinn Brittany Vogel Anna Feucht Devan Swan
Correspondence Team Stacey Meadows Clinton Golden Jason Dearth Alysa Smith Nathan Eldredge
Special Assignment: Weather man - Joseph Turner SCA Reporter - Dan Zabransky Script Writer - Prad Nadakaduty
Mrs. Maier Mrs. Harris Mrs. Crivella Mrs. Foley Ms. Kurtzman Ms. Hertag Ms. Kerzaya Mrs. Banyi Mrs. Lane Mrs. Caracciolo
Funding for the Broadcast Center provided by
Starting the Day the Multimedia Way: A Student Run Broadcast Center Stacy Maier, MA Michelle Green, Med