Literacy Practicum Field Experience Lynette Kerrigan Student Teacher & Field Placement Officer
What is it? Literacy Practicum is: A part-time field experience the semester prior to your final student teaching. √ 2 days per week; either MW or TR √ Full day schedule= Arrive & depart when your mentor teacher does; typically 30 minutes before & after host school hours √ EDEL 446 is the practicum course; you begin in your host school the first day of your scheduled EDEL 446 course.
How to Start 1.Register for EDFE 120 the semester before you expect to do your practicum 2.Put together your EDFE 120 checkpoint paperwork & turn it in by the stated due date 3.Complete the ‘Request for Placement’ Survey
EDFE 120 Paperwork 1.Print and fill in application checklist 2.Make a copy of your PLACE/PRAXIX test registration confirmation or print and complete the Affidavit verifying when you will take the test 3.Print and complete the PTEP Coursework Checklist
Request for Placement Survey Before you begin the survey: 1.Create a resume – basic job resume, references not needed. Include education, work experience & any experiences working with children. 2.Write a letter of introduction addressed “Dear Mentor Teacher” and include 1-3 paragraphs about yourself, why you want to teach, what your future teaching plans are, etc. You will find a link to the survey here: The survey will ask for basic program & contact information, have a place to copy & paste in your resume and letter. If you have a specific partner school request, you can include it in the ‘comments’ section. Remember: You may not complete your practicum in a school where you have a relative working or attending.
Requirements & Notification By the end of the semester prior to your practicum you must: 1.Have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA 2.Pass EDEL 350 or EDRD Pass (grade of ‘S’) EDFE 120 As soon as a placement is confirmed for you, you will be notified via your bear .
Questions?? If you have any questions or concerns about the practicum application process please see Lynette Kerrigan in McKee 216 or her at: