Geography of Africa Africa Unit
Guiding Questions for AFRICA (Write these down) 1. What physical processes and relationships support different African biomes? 2. How are people, places and the environment in Africa connected and interdependent? 3. How does the history of colonization continue to affect African countries today, especially in terms of culture, conflict and ability to profit from their vast natural resources?
The Continent of Africa
Africa’s Size Second largest continent 11,700,000 sq. mi. 4 6 0 0 M I L E S 5 0 0 0 M I L E S Second largest continent 11,700,000 sq. mi. 10% of the world’s population. 2 ½ times the size of the U. S.
The African Plateau
Bodies Of Water Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Nile River Niger River L. Chad--> <--Gulf of Aden L. Albert--> Congo River L. Victoria L. Tanganyika-> Indian Ocean Atlantic Ocean Zambezi River Limpopo River Orange River Pacific Ocean
The Mighty Nile River: “Longest River in the World”
Mountains & Peaks Atlas Mts. Δ Mt. Kenya Δ Mt. Kilimanjaro Ruwenzori Mts. Drajensburg Mts.
Libyan Desert Deserts Sahara Desert Sahel Namib Desert Kalahari Desert
The Sahara Desert
The Sahel
Five Geographic Regions of Africa Africa Unit
North Africa Mountain Ranges (Atlas Mountains, Ahaggar Mountains) Sahara desert (world’s largest) Sahel region
North Africa
Ahaggar Mts.
Atlas Mountains
West Africa Grasslands Most populated
West Africa
Lagos, Nigeria
East Africa Mountainous Plateaus (Ethiopian Plateau) Grasslands Serengeti Plain Hills
East Africa
Mt. Kilimanjaro: Snow on the Equator?
The African Savannah: 13 million sq. mi.
South Africa Namib & Kalahari Deserts Drakensberg Mountain Range
South Africa
Namib Desert
Kalahari Desert
Central Africa Equator Rain forests
Central Africa
African Rain Forest Annual rainfall of up to 17 ft. Rapid decomposition (very humid). Covers 37 countries. 15% of the land surface of Africa.
Countries of Africa Africa Unit
How well do you know the countries of Africa? Click on the words above to play a review game.
Desertification Desertification – The spreading of a desert region The region of Sahel is most affected by the spreading desert.
Great Rift Valley Great Rift Valley – 4,000 mile giant fault, or break in the earth’s crust. From Red Sea to Zambezi River. Evidence has found that the earliest Humans first lived in this area.
Great Rift Valley 3,000 miles long
Major Rivers Nile River – world’s longest (4,000 + miles) Sources: White Nile (Uganda) & Blue Nile (Ethiopian highlands) flows into the Mediterranean Congo River – Central Africa – through rain forests, 2,720 miles long Niger River – Africa’s third longest- 2,600 miles long. Begins in West Africa (Guinea) Zambezi River – Fourth longest 2,200 miles – Southern Africa; contains Victoria Falls; flows into the Indian Ocean
Rivers in Africa are plenty, but very difficult to navigate due to cataracts. What are cataracts? Series of waterfalls How does this affect transportation and communication? Very difficult historically to travel and trade.
Climate and Diversity The equator runs nearly through the center of Africa 80% of the nation is tropical Further from equator = colder Higher Elevation = colder
Climate of Africa
Africa: The “Tropical” Continent Tropic of Cancer 20° N Africa: The “Tropical” Continent Equator 0° Tropic of Capricorn 20° S
Geography of Africa Review Interactive Map of Africa
Human Environment Interaction 1. Agriculture Difficult in many regions of Africa due to elevation and climate.
2. Hydroelectric Power
Extraction of Natural Resources today: OIL
Aswan High Dam 1970 Positive: Gives region of Egypt and Sudan regular supply of water. Increased agriculture through irrigation. Negative: Many people displaced when built. Mosquitoes cause Malaria
So now what? Open notes quiz over Ch 18 Sec 1&2 (Africa) on Tuesday, 9/25. Complete Summary of Landforms worksheet over Africa. Label Africa and Southwest Asia Maps Finish up Vocabulary Packet – will be checking for completion within the next few weeks.