Ginger Haas Lake Braddock Middle School. ANATOMY Divisions B and C Skeletal and Muscular Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

Ginger Haas Lake Braddock Middle School

ANATOMY Divisions B and C Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Endocrine System, Div C only

What to study 3 classes of hormones: steroids, peptides, amines Mechanisms of hormone action Endocrine related problems Hormone producing glands; hormones and their function Endocrine disorders

The Event Covers anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the skeletal and muscular systems Process skills include data collection and analysis, observations, inferences, predictions, calculations, analyses, and conclusion Team may take in 2 non-programmable calculators and ONE 8.5 X 11 “ 2-sided page of notes of any kind from any source

The Test Timed lab stations Case studies Short answer questions Identification of models, X-ray, or pictures

Focus of Study More than Memorization! Critical thinking and logical reasoning Integration of systems; the “big picture” Pathology as a window to physiology Speed!

Resources Biology and anatomy textbooks List of 50 major skeletal muscles Training Power Points and handouts General anatomy and physiology links

Tournament Strategies Both teammates should know both systems! Bring a watch to time yourself at stations Write questions on your sheet if you need to come back to them after you leave a station If you don’t know an answer, reason your way through. Partners should work together!

Bio-Process Lab, Div B Lab Stations involving the fundamental science processes of a middle school life science/biology lab program

The Event Covers metric measurements, microscopes, genetics, taxonomic keys, chemical indicators, and lab instruments Process skills include formulating and evaluating hypotheses and procedures, making observations, collecting data, making predictions, calculations, analyses, inferences, and conclusions Students carry their answer sheet from station to station

What to Bring Eye Protection #4 on Z87 goggles Non-programmable calculator One 2-sided page of notes from any source

Resources Bio-Process Coaches Handbook (Print or CD) Science Lab Equipment Lab Equipment

Cell Biology, Div C Bring and wear #4 goggles, non-programmable calculator and one 2-sided page of notes from any source Competition is at stations where students are tested in lab process skills and knowledge of cell biology and cellular biochemistry New areas are in bold print on the rules

Resources Training handouts Links New resources for 2010

Photosynthesis and Respiration

What’s new? Chromosome Structures - animation Mitosis LDL and HDL cholesterols Fermentation products and uses

Disease Detectives Investigative Skills Basic understanding of biological and physical agents that cause disease Distinguish between infectious and non-infectious health burdens Focus on the effects of population growth on public health outcomes

Skills needed Create graphic displays of data Interpret trends and patterns of epidemiologic data Communicate results

The Competition Timed! Bring a non-programmable calculator and one 2-sided page of notes from any source Could be a written exam or a station-based situation or both

Resources has training handouts, old tests with answers, many links, online games Center for Disease Control (CDC)

EMPHASIS - PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS RELATED TO POPULATION GROWTH Water Quality, Water Pollution, Water Demands Sanitation Needs Growth of Slums and Household Environment Environmental Degradation Air Pollution Infectious Disease Outbreaks Rapid Spread of Disease via Public Transportation and Air Travel Food Quality and Food Contamination Lack of food in poor nations vs. unhealthy fast food and drinks in technological societies Availability of health care for the poor and the aged People moving into uninhabited areas = new pathogens such as Lyme Disease and Ebola

Ecology Content knowledge in the area of ecology and adaptations in featured American biomes 50% of the test will focus on grassland and taiga ecology 50% on general ecological principles

Guess what they can bring! Notes

How to study Start with a basic textbook Vocabulary, food webs, climate, relationships Biomes and adaptations of plants and animals, locations, habitat, interactions Let the kids do the research and teach each other

Ornithology None of our students have done this one before! Official SO 3 page list of North American birds Bring one field guide and the bird list

The Competition Stations and/or Power Point presentation Live or preserved specimens, recordings of songs, slides or pictures Questions cover history, distribution, anatomy and physiology, reproduction, habitat characteristics, ecology, diet, behavior, conservation and biogeography

Resources Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America e/ e/