The Shape of the Land A Vast Continent What does “vast” mean? How big is Africa?
Location: Straddles the equator (almost cutting it in half) making much of it in the tropics; two major oceans; center of trade (changed due to Suez Canal)
Regions: book says north, west, east, central and south: North Africa – most closely associated with Middle East Sub-Sahara – south of the Sahara, HIV/AIDS a huge problem West Africa
Landforms Plateaus: most of the continent is a series of these; 367 ft vs. 7,000 ft (p. 62) escarpments (steep cliffs) formed by rivers cutting through; Great Rift Valley: giant fault in eastern part of the continent p. 61
Rivers Hydroelectric Power – energy created by moving water; important resource The Nile: 4,000 miles making it longest in the world; earliest civilizations; Aswan Dam created Lake Nasser to help with flood issues and power. Other Key Rivers: Congo, Niger, Zambezi
Natural Resources Mineral Exports: diamonds –where?, copper, oil in the Sahara, etc. Uneven Distribution: some have much, some have little
Equator – connect the lines
Atlas Mountains
Drakensberg Mountains during our Winter
Drakensberg Mountains Winter (which is our Summer )
1 2
Mt. Kenya
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The Great Rift Valley
Nile River Egypt
Nile River in Uganda
Lake Nasser
Niger River
Zambezi River
Zambezi at Victoria Falls
Congo River
Lake Chad
2007 Lake Chad “shows slight recovery”
Lake Victoria
Lake Tanganyika
Sahara Desert
Kalahari Desert
Namib Desert
Suez Canal
SUEZ Canal